Chapter 25

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I woke up the next morning bright and early. I had revived and text from Jason.
From: Jason

I'll pick you at 4pm. Where something nice :) x
I then walked downstairs and walked into the kitchen.
"Morning" Donte said.
"Morning. What food have we got?" I questioned him.
"Not much. We need to go on a shop" he replied.
"I'll go" I replied.
"Are you sure. I can go if you want" he replied.
"No. I need to get out" I replied.
"Ok. Ay, haven't you got your date tonight?" Donte questioned me.
"Yeah" I replied.
"Well.. Good luck" he replied. I then began rummaging through the cupboards. I grabbed a box of cereal and made myself some cereal and ate it. I then walked upstairs and got ready and did my hair. I then walked back downstairs and got in my car and drove to the shops. I grabbed lots of food and then paid and put the bags all in my car. I then drove home and Donte had just got back and helped me unpack the car and put everything away.
"I need to get ready for tonight" I said to Donte.
"Sure. I'll finish this all off. Do you want some money for the shopping?" He questioned me.
"Nope, it's fine" I replied.
"Well I'll by the next load of shopping" he replied.
"Ok. You do that" I replied smiling. I then walked upstairs. I had a shower and washed my hair. I then got out the shower and put on my robe and did my hair. I then did my makeup and finally got ready. I wore a tight dress showing off my bump. I then wore a small pair of heels and with a clutch bag with diamond earring and jewellery to finish it off. I then walked downstairs.
"So how do I look" I said go Donte. He was sat watching to. He then turned around.
"Wow. You look amazing!" Donte replied.
"Thank you" I replied. The buzzer then went off. I walked over and answered it. It was Jason. I then opened the gates.
"Well have a good night" Donte said.
"Thank you. I will do" I replied. I then hugged him. I then walked back over to the door and oepned. I looked outside and out there was a limo with Jason standing outside next to the open door dressed smartly in a suit.
"Well look at you" Jason said smiling. He then walked over to me and kissed me on the cheek.
"You mean look at you. I've never seen you in a suit" I replied.
"It's a new look. New job, new me" he replied. We both then got into the limo and the driver drove us to the restaurant. We pulled up outside and the driver opened the door. We both then walked into the restaurant and the waitress took us to our seats.
"You look gorgeous tonight" he said.
"Thank you" I replied. "So you said you've just became manager to your dads new business. Why were you were working for the place I brought my car from?" I questioned.
"Well I've never worked in my life. He wanted me to last in a job 5 months before offering me the position as manager and because the business is cars. Why not" he replied.
"Well congratulations on the new job" I replied.
"Thank you. So where are you living?" I questioned him.
"In hotels for time being until I find a place of my own" he replied.
"Cool" I replied.
"So your pregnant then. Congrats" he replied.
"Thanks. I'm 19 weeks" I replied.
"So did you and Donte date?" He questioned me.
"No.. Not really" I replied.
"Oh right" he replied.
"Yeah. I knew this was going to happen that's why I didn't want to come. I'm pregnant and your not going to want to see me again" I replied.
"Stop. I knew you were pregnant before I ask you out. I love you, Megan" he said. He then grabbed my hand from across the table and suddenly, all my feelings came back for him.
"Yeah. I love you too" I replied. We had an amazing date. It was finally, time to go home. We got I. The limo and drove back. I opened the gates with the remote and pulled up outside. We both then got out the limo.
"Thanks for you a great night" I replied.
"No thank you" he replied. He then kissed me. "Why did I ever leave you" he said and kissed me again.
"I'll see you later. I have school in the morning" I replied.
"See you" he said. I then gave him one last kiss and then he walked off. I walked inside the house and felt so tied.
"How was your date?" Donte questioned me.
"It's was wonderful" I replied. "I've missed him so much" I then said.
"Glad it's all worked out for ya" he replied. I then a smiled.
"I need some sleep. Night, Donte" I then said.
"Night" he said smiling back. I then walked upstairs and got undressed and dressed into some cute pjs and went to bed...

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