Chapter 13

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Megan's P.O.V
We arrived at the hospital and I was still unconscious. They ran a few test and finally I woke up. I looked around and noticed I was in a hospital bed. I looked next to me and a few guy was there.
"Hello" I said slowly.
"Your awake" he said.
"Who are you?" I questioned him.
"You collapsed in my arms" he replied. "I'm Derik" he said. He then handed me a a bottle of water.
"Thanks" I said. A nurse then walked over to me.
"Your awake. That's good" she Ajax.
"Can I go home?" I questioned.
"yeah. We've done a few test and you had Hypertension. It's very common in pregnant women" she said.
"What's that?" I questioned her.
"Don't worry. It doesn't usually caused any damages to the baby, and it's basically just high blood pressure" she said.
"Oh right" I replied. I then noticed Miss Campbell and, Dynasty walking over.
"What are you guys doing her?" I questioned them.
"Too come and get you" Miss Campbell said.
"Look I'm fine" I replied.
"We do need to talk to you about your health though" the nurse then said.
"Why what's wrong with my health?" I questioned.
"I'll let you guys talk and I'll come back" she replied. She then walked off.
"I'm going go" Derik then said.
"Ok. Thank you for looking after me" I replied. He then left.
"What was I telling you this morning about your health" Miss Campbell said.
"Ok. Alright. You were right, I was wrong. I just don't wanna talk about it!" I replied. The nurse then walked over again.
"Can we talk?" She questioned me.
"Yeah" I replied.
"We still need to do a scam just to make sure everything's fine and then we can talk about you health" the nurse replied.
"Yeah sure" I replied. She then walked off to talk to another nurse
"What scan?" Dynasty questioned me.
"An ultra sound" I replied.
"What.. What pregnant people have?" She questioned me confused.
"Yeah.. I'm pregnant" I replied. The nurse then walked back over.
"You ready?" The nurse questioned me.
"Yeah" I replied.
"Do you want me to come?" Miss Campbell questioned me.
"No. I'll be fine" I replied. Me and the nurse then walked to the baby area and Miss Campbell followed along side Dynasty and they took a seat in the waiting room. I then walked in and laid down on the bed. The nurse then put the gel on my stomach and put the monitor on my stomach to look at the baby.
"The baby is very healthy" the nurse then said.
"Well that's good" I replied. She then took the monitor off my stomach and gave me something to wiped my stomach. I asked for a ultra sound so she then walked out and brought the scan picture and handed it me.
"Do you drink a lot off caffeine?" The nurse then questioned me.
"I've been drinking it all morning because I went to bed last night" I replied.
"Ah. Well do you know that caffeine actually damages your baby inside" she said.
"No. I didn't know that" I replied.
"A lot off caffeine can result in a miscarriage or having a baby with a low birth weight. Babies born with a low birth weight are at increased risk of health problems when they get older" she then said.
"Well I didn't know that" I replied. "But thanks" I replied.
"Yeah. You should probably go and get some rest because you need to look after yourself and your body" the nurse said.
"Yeah. I will" I replied.
"If you need anything just ring" she replied.
"Ok thank you" I replied. I then walked out and saw Miss Campbell  and Dynasty. They both walked over to me.
"So what's going on?" Miss Campbell questioned me.
"Everything's fine. I just need some rest" I replied.
"I can drive you home and inform the school" she replied.
"Yeah. Great thanks" I replied. We then all got in the car.
"I'll just have to take Dynasty back to school first" she said.
"Yeah sure" I replied. "So are you gonna say anything?" I questioned Dynasty.
"I don't know what to say" she replied.
"I wouldn't either" I replied.
"Is it with, Donte?" She questioned me.
"Yeah" I replied.
"Does he know?" She questioned me.
"No. Not yet. I'm gonna tell him soon" I replied.
"Yeah you should" she replied.
"Just don't tell anyone yet. Only you two know" I replied.
"Yeah. Of course" she replied and hugged me. We arrived at school and Dynasty got out and then Miss Campbell drove me back to the school house. We arrived and I got out and so did miss Campbell.
"Thanks Miss Campbell" I said.
"It's ok. Happy to help" she replied.
"You can go now. I'm just gonna go and sleep" I replied.
"Yeah. Ok" she replied. I said goodbye and she eat. I then went upstairs to my room and went to sleep.

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