Chapter 27

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+6 Weeks (25 weeks pregnant)
(Btw Megan and Jason are dating and Jason has moved into the house)
I woke up with my phone going off. It was an unknown number. I then looked over at the clock and it was 4am. I then answered it.
"Hello" I said slowly.
"Hello is this, Megan McQueen?" The guy questioned me.
"Yes speaking" I replied.
"Hello, this is Doctor King speaking from Miami hospital. Your grandmother is a patient of mine" he said. I quickly sat up.
"Omg is she ok?" I questioned.
"She's better. A few days ago she had a fall and sufficed concision plus bruised rib" he replied.
"Will she be ok?" I questioned him.
"She's fine. We were just informing you of the accident" he said.
"Well I'm coming. I'm gonna jump on a plane and come" I replied. I then grabbed my phone and booked he earliest flights. I managed to get to get one that left at 11am. I then nudged Jason. "I'm going Miami" I said to him. 
"What! Why?" He questioned me confused.
"My grandma had a fall. I need to make sure she's ok" I replied.
"Ok, do you want me to come with you?" He questioned me.
"No, you have work. I'll just go for a couple of days" I replied.
"Ok" he replied and kissed me. I then got up and had a shower and did my hair and makeup and then got dressed and finally packed. I then walked downstairs and Donte was awake as he had school.
"Where you off too?" He questioned me as he saw me with a suitcase.
"Miami" I replied.
"Why?" He asked.
"My grandma has a fall. She lives there you see" I replied.
"Is she ok?" He questioned me.
"Fine" I replied.
"well that's good. I never new you had a grandma in Miami" he replied.
"Well my parents brought my grandpa and grandma a house there because my grandpa was born there and that's where they met and had my father, but my grandpa died about a year ago" I said.
"Oh right, I'm sorry, but why don't she move back?" He questioned.
"I don't know.." I replied.
"Oh, well ring me when you get there" he replied. He then grabbed my bags for me and placed them in my car. "Be safe" he said and then hugged me and waved as I drove off. I soon arrived at the airport and checked in my bags and stopped for some food before boarding my plane.. 9 hours later I arrived in Miami. It was currently around 4pm for the time difference. I then got my car that I had rented out and drove straight to the hospital. I arrived and parked up and walked straight in. I asked someone where to go and they showed me and I walked up to her ward.
"Hi, I'm here to see, Maria McQueen" I said to the lady at the receptionist. She then told me the room number and I began walking to the room when I number into a doctor.
"Oh I'm sorry" he said. I then looked at his name badge and it read 'Doctor Rob King'.
"Wait, your doctor King. You rang me this morning. Well last night for you" I said.
"Ah, your Mgean McQueen. I'm glad I had a chance to speak to you" he said. He then told me to sit down and I sat down next to him. "Your grandmother is fine and we can discharge her, but she said she doesn't having money troubto pay her medical bills" he said.
"Money troubles?" I said confused. "I don't know how. I pay for the house she's living in" I said.
"Oh, well are you able to pay for medical bills?" He questioned me.
"Yeah, of course" I replied. I then paid for her bills and walked into her room. "Grandma" I said hugging her.
"Hello, honey" she said to me hugging me back.
"The doctor said you can leave now" I replied.
"Great! I hate these places" she replied. I then packed her things and she got up out of bed and got discharged and we walked to my car. We both got in it and drove back to the house and walked in.
"So, grandma. How's money?" I asked her.
"Money. Um.. Money's fine, why?" She questioned me.
"It's just that the doctor said you were having problems and couldn't afford your medical bill, so I paid for it" I said.
"You shouldn't have. All you do is look after me. You pay for the house I live in" she said.
"Well I've only got you left, grandma so I want to take car of you" she said.
"Well you should put this care for yourself. I mean look your starting your own family now" she said rubbing my stomach and I smiled. "Why do you move back to the UK and live with me" I said.
"I can't do that. What about this place?" She questioned me.
"we can keep it for a holiday home, please.." I said.
"Really..." She said.
"Yes" I said. She then came over to me and hugged and kissed me.
"Thank you" she said. "Your just like you father, caring" she said and we both smiled. I then later booked another flight for my grandmother the next day for us both to fly out. We packed up all her clothes and other stuff she was bringing we were having delivered to my house..

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