Chapter 18

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We arrived at the school about 10 minutes late.
"What lesson do we have?" dynasty questioned me.
"English, mr Clarkson. He should let us off right?" I questioned her.
"Yeah" she replied. We both then walked into the school.
"What am I going to do with all my bags?" I questioned Dynasty as we approached Mr Clarkson's door.
"Everyone knows your pregnant" she replied.
"Yeah, but some will speak" I said.
"So, what. F the haters" she replied.
"I'll take them to miss Campbell she will stall them until the end of the day for me" I replied. I turned around about to walk off when Mr Clarkson door opened.
"Glad for you to finally join us.. Going somewhere?"he questioned us both.
"Of course not Mr Clarkson. Why would I want to miss one of lessons" I said sarcastically. We both then walked in. I placed my bags done next to me and immediately heard someone behind me.
"Just ignore them" Dynasty whispered. I then stood up.
"What are you talking about?" I questioned them.
"N-N-nothing" they said stuttering.
"Sit down Megan" Mr Clarkson shouted. I then sat down and heard them again straight after.
"What is your problem. Do you have a problem of me being pregnant it that it?" I shouted. "You guys don't know what your talking about so why don't you guys just shut the F up" I carried in shouting.
"Cooler, Megan Now!" Mr Clarkson shouted.
"Whatever!" I replied. I then grabbed my bags and walked off to the cooler. I walked in and saw Donte in there. I then signed in and sat down next to him.
"What you in here for?" I whispered to him.
"I don't even know" he replied. "What about you?" He then questioned me.
"Well having ago at another student.." I relied.
"That's not like you" he replied.
"They were talking about me being pregnant" I replied.
"Ignore them. You don't need to get stressed" he replied.
"Yep" I replied. The teacher then walked out the room and it was just us two. I then moved my chair over to Donte.
"I've ordered a cot today" I replied.
"That's great. Do you need a money?" He questioned me.
"Seriously it's fine" I replied. "I'm gonna start searching for a house as well" I replied.
"That's great" he said smiling.
"How did we get to this?" I then questioned him.
"Get to what?" He questioned me.
"Us having a one night stand and me getting pregnant and the only thing I'm worrying about is what clothes to buy for the child" I replied.
"It will be ok. Your gonna be a great mom" he said and put his arm around me and hug me. "I don't love you and before you night my head off as a friend" he said smiling looking down at me and then looked up. I was still looking up at him as he turned his head.
"Yeah, I love you too" I said smiling. Was I finally getting feelings for Donte... Mr Clarkson then walked in and Donte quickly moved his arm away from me and I quickly moved back.
"Donte you can go now" He said and Donte walked out. Mr Clarkson then approached me.
"What did I do?" I questioned him.
"Shouting in my class at those girls" he said.
"Well they were talking about me. What did you want me to do?" I questioned me.
"Tell me?" He replied.
"Why did you have take me here" I replied.
"To calm you down. You know it's not good for you or the baby to get stressed.." He replied.
"Ok, then" I replied. "You can go to your next class now" he said. I then grabbed my bags and walked to Miss Campbell's office. I knocked on the door.
"Come in" I heard from behind the door and I walked in.
"Hi miss" I said as I opened the door.
"As, Megan. How are you doing" she questioned me.
"Great, thanks. I was wondering if could leave these bags here they are baby clothes?" I questioned her.
"Yeah, of course" she replied.
"Thanks" I replied. I then placed them down next to her desk and walked out and got to my lessons. The end of the day finally arrived and picked up my shopping bags and my driver drove me home. I got back and immediately got on the phone to an estate agent that said she would help find a house. I told her everything I wanted just so I didn't have to look for place. I then walked downstairs.
"Hey, Maggie" I said to her.
"Afternoon" she said.
"Could I have word" I said. There then was a knock at the door.
"Yeah of course, one sec" she replied and walked over to the door.
"We are looking for a miss Megan McQueen" I heard from the door. Maggie then shouted for me and I walked over to the door.
"Uh ha, what's up?" I questioned him.
"We have your new car for you" he said.
"Really, that quick" I replied.
"Yeah" he said. He then handed me the keys and I showed some paperwork and signed some random stuff.
"Well thanks" I then said. Me and Maggie both then walked out as they left to look at the car.
"Wow. That looks amazing" Maggie said.
"Better than I thought" I said looking inside. I then got in and had a small drive around and then drove back and parked up. I then walked back inside and had my tea.
"Do you still wanna talk?" Maggie questioned me.
"Oh yeah" I replied taking my plate into the kitchen. "I'm look for a house for myself. It's easier to have a place before the baby is here" I said.
"Ok that's fine, just so you know your always welcome here whenever you want" she replied.
"Thanks. It won't be now but hopefully this lady can find me a good place" I said. Shortly after I then walked upstairs and watched a movie. I then got a message from my doctors reminding me of a checkup and scan photo for tomorrow. I then went to sleep...

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