Chapter 21

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(Sorry if you think the story is getting boring by staring the same all the time not much happening)
I ended up waking up really early. I had a quick shower and got ready and did my hair and makeup. I then decided to start looking for some new furniture for my new house. I began browsing through on all future websites. I saw a really nice master bed on there and added it to my basket. I then walked downstairs and had my breakfast.
"Hey, Maggie" I said.
"Morning" she replied and hugged me. "Aw look at that cute bump" she said touching my stomach. I then smiled.
"I've found a house" I said.
"You have, that's great honey" her face then dropped but she tried to look excited for me but I knew she wasn't.
"Hey, it's only 5 minutes away. I'll come and see you all the time" I replied. "You've been like a mom to me" I replied. She then smiled and hugged me.
"I'm gonna miss you" she said. "And you better visit everyday even when the baby arrives" she said.
"Why don't I take you out tonight to my restaurant. I'll be signing the papers for the house today to make it official" I replied.
"Yeah, I'll loved that" she replied.
"Great, well we leave around 5:30" I replied. She then handed me my breakfast and I ate it up. I then rang the restaurant as I walked back upstairs.
"Hello this is Bryan talking from *Restaurant name* restaurant. What can I do for you" he said.
"Huy, it's Megan McQueen the owner" i said.
"Miss McQueen, how lovely to speak to you what can I help you with" he replied.
"A table for 6pm. The best one" I replied.
"Of course. Always the best for you miss McQueen" he replied.
"Great. I'll see you then" I said and put the phone down.
I then grabbed my bags and walked out the door and got in my car and drove to school. I parked up and walked in the school. I walked to sixth form room and, Dynasty, Donte and, Kevin were together. I then walked over to them.
"Donte told us the news" Dynasty said.
"The house?" I questioned.
"Yep. That's amazing" she replied.
"Thanks. Anyway. Tonight I'm taking Maggie out for lunch at my restaurant and wondering if you guys are up to it? It's on me by the way" I replied.
"Yeah sure" they all replied.
"Donte can I also talk to you about baby stuff" I replied and took him away and spoke to him... The bell soon went off and we all walked to form and got registered. I then got on with the the rest of the morning. At lunch I went straight to my car and drove to my estate agents office. I parked up and got out and walked in. I then came to reception and told them that I had a meeting with her. She then told me to go straight through. I walked through and a guy and the agent were there.
"Am I late" I said walking in and the guy kissed me on the cheeks greeting me.
"Not at all, I've just arrived" the guy replied.
"I'm Megan by the way" I replied.
"I'm Joey" he replied.
"Nice to meet you" I replied. I then took a seat.
"I have the papers here for you both to sign" she said. She then laid the papers in front of us. "I would recommend you reading the papers before signing" she said. We both then spent time reading through the pages until finally, we both signed it. "Thank you" she began to say. "Now money" she then said.
"I was wondering maybe me paying like the deposit right now to you and then in a few days I can transfer the rest?" I questioned.
"Yeah, that will be great" he replied.
"Great" I replied. I then transferred the deposit in to his bank account. "When will I be able to move in?" I questioned.
"I send the papers off and you pay the rest of the money in a few days so hopefully mid- next week" she replied. I then finally left the office and grabbed a take out and drove back to school. I arrived and went straight to my lesson. I only had one lesson after lunch and then went straight home. I arrived and Maggie was there.
"Hey, maggie" I said hugging her.
"Afternoon" she replied.
"The dinner tonight I've invited, Donte, Dynasty and Kevin, if that's ok. You can invite whoever you want" I replied.
"Of course that's fine and thanks I might" she replied. I then smiled.
"Great. I'm gonna go and get ready if I want to be looking perfect by 5:30" I replied smiling and walked upstairs. I went and had a shower and washed my hair. I then got out and dried it and made it wavy, that took me awhile I then applied my makeup. Finally, get dressed. I wore a tight black dress that was showing off my bump with a pair of small heels. I then grabbed a bag and walked downstairs.
"You look gorgeous" I said as I walked downstairs seeing Maggie.
"Aw thank you, but look at you. Look at that stomach" she said placing her hand on it.
"It's been kicking a lot today" I replied resting my own hand on my stomach.
"aw, is it the next appointment you find out the gender?" She questioned.
"Yep. 5 month scan. I've but one of the 4D Scan things" I replied.
"That will be good" she replied.
"Anyway, shall we go I've gotta go and pick up the others" I replied.
"Yep" she replied grabbing her stuff.

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