Chaoter 32

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"Don't leave me in suspense" Jason then said smiling. I looked at him in the eyes and smiled back down at him.
"Yes!" I then said.
"Yes! You said yes" he shouted. Everyone then cheered and he placed the ring on my finger and kissed me.
"I love you" he said.
"I love you too" I replied. "But you've still not met Charlotte" I replied.
"I know" he replied. "One second" he said. He then ran outside of the hall and then soon came back in holding the biggest teddy.
"For Charlotte" He said smiling at me.
"I guessed it was for Charlotte" I replied laughing. We both then walked over to Donte.
"Congratulations" Donte said to the both of us.
"Thank you" we both replied. I then took Charlotte out of her car seat and handed her to Jason.
"Wow, she's so tiny" he replied smiling.
"Well she is a baby" I replied.
"Yeah, I know" he replied.
"Hey, Meg. Can I talk to you about what we were talking about earlier?" He asked me.
"Yeah, of course" I replied. "Jason you don't mind holding Charlotte for a minute?" I asked him.
"Of course not" he replied smiling. Me and Donte then stepped away.
"Hey, so what's up?" I asked.
"I had a job offer" he said.
"Well that's great isn't it! Why don't you look happy?" I asked confused.
"I'm happy. It's just that.. it's 40 minutes away" he replied.
"Oh right" I replied.
"It's only part time. It's 2 days a week, but pays good" he replied.
"You should take it" I replied.
"You think?" He asked.
"Yeah. It's two days. You can always come back the rest of the days" I replied.
"Ok are you sure!?" He asked.
"Yeah, I'm sure" I replied. "So when will you be leaving?" I asked him.
"Tomorrow" I replied. "I've booked a hotel until I find a place to like rent or something" he replied.
"Alright ok.." I replied. We both then walked back into the party and Donte walked straight over to Jason and Charlotte. I kinda stood still at the door and had a look around smiling. I have an amazing fiancé. The perfect dad for child, amazing friends that I call family. What else could I ask for..? I then heard my name being shouted from Donte and Jason... I feel like my life is finally back on track... :)

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