Chapter 9

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I woke up the next day early and had a morning shower. I then got dressed and did my hair and makeup. I finally, walked downstairs and had my breakfast and then walked back up and did my teeth and last minute things before menacing for school. I was finally ready..! I walked back downstairs and out the doors. I got in my car and drove to school. I parked up and notice, Dynasty and Kevin walking past the school gates. I locked my car and walked over to her.
"Hi, guys" I said.
"Hey.. So you told him then?" She questioned me.
"Yep" I replied.
"How did he react?" She said.
"Not so great.." I replied.
"At least you told him" she said and hugged me.
"Who we talking about here?" Kevin then questioned.
"I needed our relationship yesterday" I replied.
"well it wasn't really a relationship. I swear you guys only probably started dating yesterday" he replied.
"Um.. Yeah I know. I'm just not ready for another relationship. I thought I was, but I'm not" I replied.
"Why was you last one bad or something?" She questioned me.
"No.. We dated for 3 years. Then my parents died and I had to move to live my aunt.. We did the long distance thing, but I wasn't working" I replied.
"Oh. Right. At least you have your friends" he then said.
"Yep" I replied. We all then strolled into school tougher. The bell shortly went and we made our up to form. I walked in with, Dynasty and we sat down. I noticed, Donte wasn't here yet.
"I wonder where Donte is?" I questioned, Dyansy.
"He's probably just late" she replied.
"Yeah" I said. 10 minutes past and finally, Donte walked through the the doors.
"You're late, Donte" mr Clarkson said as he walked through the door. He ignored him and took his seat directly in front off me with making eye contact. "Oy, Donte why are you late" Mr Clarkson shouted. He ignored him again. "Don't make me repeat myself" he said. He then stood up and threw his chair that went flying and hitting into me. "Cooler now!" Mr Clarkson shouted and, Donte walked out. Mr Clarkson then rushed over to me. "Are you ok?" He questioned me.
"Yeah. I'm fine. Just a little scratch" I replied.
"You wanna go nurse?" He questioned.
"No, seriously" I replied.
"Ok. Well tell me if you want to" he replied. He hen walked back down the aisle and got back to what he was doing. The bell then went and form was over. I began to walk out.. "Megan can I have a quick word?" He questioned me.
"Sure" I replied. I then walked over to him and waited till everyone left.
"You sure your ok?" He questioned me.
"I'm fine, sir" I replied.
"Well that's good" he began to say. "Do you knew what's up with, Donte?" He then questioned me.
"Well I told him that I didn't wanna be with him yesterday. He kinda wasn't happy with that.." I replied.
"Ah. Ok. Do you want me to move him to another place?" He questioned.
"I don't really mind, sir" I replied.
"Ok, well I'm going to talk to him now" he replied. I then walked over to my next lesson. The day shortly passed and I had found out that Donte was excluded for 2 days after him throwing a chair...
Crap chapter.. I know!:/

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