Chapter 26

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I woke up the next day early. I did the usual routine and then walked downstairs.
"Morning" I said to Donte as I walked into the kitchen and began making myself some breakfast.
"You alright" he said smiling.
"Yeah. Can't be bothered for school" I replied.
"Same here!" He replied. I then sat down and began eating breakfast.. I then put my bowl into the dishwasher and walked back upstairs and did my teeth and grabbed my bags. I then walked back down.
"Do you want me to drive you to school?" I questioned Donte.
"Nope. I need to nip out when I have a free" he replied.
"Ok. Sure" I replied. I then walked outside and Donte locked the house. I then got in my car and drove down the drive way and the gates opened. I drove to school. I arrived and walked straight to my form as the bell soon went. I took a seat and got on with form. I then went to my first and second period until it was finally break.. I walked straight to the sixth form room and over to Dynasty.
"Hey, have you seen Donte?" I questioned her.
"Hey. Yeah he said he had a free second period and third. So he probably won't be back till after lunch" she replied.
"Oh right. Did he say where he was going?" I questioned her.
"Nope, sorry" she replied. "So anyway how was your date!" She then questioned me.
"Amazing! I've missed him so much" I replied.
"Aw cute. So are you getting back together?" She questioned me.
"I want to. I don't know what he wants though" I replied.
"Come on.. The guy loves you" she replied smiling. My phone then beeped. It was Jason.
From: Jason
Look outside.. xx
That's all the text read.
"What?" I said looking at it confused. Dynasty then read it. We both walked out the room and down the stairs and out the front doors and out there stood, Jason outside his car in another suit holding roses. I then ran up to.
"What are you doing here?" I questioned him smiling.
"I'm missed you. Here these are for you" he replied handing me the flowers.
"Aw thank you. They are gorgeous. What am I suppose to do for them I have school" I replied.
"I'll get my drive to take them back to yours" he replied.
"Ok. So you said you missed me" I said.
"Yeah. I wanted to see if maybe we go back to how we were" he replied smiling. I then kissed him. "I take that as a yes" he replied and smiling. I then kissed him again.
"Uhhum" I heard from behind us. We then stopped kissing and I turned around.
"Ah. You must be, Miss Mason" Jason said and walking over to her. She then stuck her hand out to shake his hand and he shuck her hand.
"Nice to meet you, Mr Purks" Miss Mason said.
"Please, call me Jason" he replied.
"What's going on here?" I asked confused.
"Well.. My dad was looking for like a business/school to sponsor and you told how much this school means to you and helped you. So I wanted to give something back" he replied.
"Wow. Your so sweet" I replied and hugged him. He then handed the flowers to driver.
"Shall I give you a tour around the place?" Miss Mason questioned him.
"That would wonderful, thank you" he replied. The bell then went.
"I have class. I'll see you later" I replied and kissed him.
"We will go out for some lunch. See you later" he replied. I then walked off to my lesson.. After class, lunch arrived and I met up, Jason. He took me out for some lunch and then drove back to school. We both then walked into the sixth form room.
"Hey, Dyn. Is Donte still not back?" I questioned her.
"Nope. Kevin said he called in ill" she replied.
"Really!" I replied. I then grabbed my phone.
(Donte on phone)
"What's up!?" I questioned him.
"Just got a headache. I'll be fine for tomorrow. Just getting some rest" he replied.
"Ok. I'm glad your ok then" I replied.
"Yeah. Have a fun rest of the day" he replied. I then put the phone down.
Me and Jason were meeting after school as Jason had a meeting with Miss Mason. The lessons soon flew past! I met up, Jason after school.
"Afternoon" Jason said and kissed me.
"Let's head back to mine. I hate being stuck at school" I replied. I got in my car and Jason got in his and we both soon arrived back at mine. I opened the gates and pulled up.  We both then got out the cars and walked in together.
"Donte" I began shouting wondering where he is. I then checked in his bedroom and he wasn't there, but his car was here.
"Does he live with you?" Jason questioned me.
"Yeah. He wanted to be as involved with the baby as I was" I replied.
"Oh right" he replied. I then checked more rooms.
"I'm in the baby's room" I heard him shout. We both then walked to the door and I opened. "Surprise!" He shouted. He had done up the baby's room.
"Donte" I screamed smiling and hugged him.
"You like it?" He questioned.
"Love it!" I replied. "Where did all the other stuff come from?" I questioned as there was loads of new stuff.
"I knew you wanted these so I saved up got my self a job to buy them. I didn't want you to be the only buying everything" he replied.
"Your a amazing" I replied. I then began looking around the room.
"Oh, you alright Jason" Donte then questioned Jason.
"Yeah. It looks good" he replied. Shortly after, we all walked out and downstairs. We then ordered some food in and ate it...

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