Chapter 17

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+3 Days..

I woke up tied. I had a morning shower to try and wake myself up.. I then did my hair and makeup and got dressed. I then walked downstairs and grabbed some breakfast. There then was a knock at the front door and Maggie went and opened it.
"Hiya, we are looking for a Megan. It says she lives here?" I heard at the door. I then stood up and walked over.
"Jason" I said.
"Omg Megan" he replied and hugged me.
"You know this guy?" Maggie questioned me.
"Yeah, he's my ex. We dated for about 3 years" I replied.
"I'll leave you two then" Maggie replied and walked off.
"What are you doing here?" I questioned him.
"I'm picking up your car. My boss is the truck and wanted me to come out" he replied.
"When did you come back?" I questioned him.
"About 6 months ago. I did call around your place a few weeks ago and then someone told me about your parents and that you sold up" he replied. "How are you?" He questioned me.
"Yeah. Im finally feeling better thanks" I replied.
"That's good" he replied.
"It's so good seeing you" I replied.
"Yeah you to" he replied. I then grabbed my keys and all my paperwork for the car.
"Why you getting rid of this car? I remember you telling your parents exactly what you wanted?" He questioned me.
"Well.. I got board I guess" I obviously lied. I didn't want to tell him I was pregnant.
"Typical you" he replied laughing. He then put the car on truck and I handed his boss all the work. "The money should go into your account within a week" he then said.
"Ok thanks" I replied.
"I've missed you, you know" he said.
"Yeah I've missed you too" I replied.
"We should meet up sometime. Maybe I could come up here or you come down to London" he said.
"Yeah that would be great" I replied smiling.
"Anyway see you" he replied and hugged me again and kissed me on the cheek. The truck then drove off. I then walked back inside and realised I don't have a lift to school. Kevin then approached me.
"No car?" He questioned me.
"Yep.." I replied.
"You wanna walk to school with me?" He questioned me.
"Yeah sure. It will be to late to call a driver" I replied. I then grabbed my bag and we both walked off to school. I then saw Dynasty and we both walked over to her.
"It's not like you too be walking" Dynasty said smiling.
"Well my car has gone back now.." I replied.
"Ah.." She replied.
"You want me to wait after school?" Kevin questioned me.
"No it's fine thanks. Ill probably go shopping so I'll need my Scotland driver" I replied.
"You have a Scotland driver?" Dynasty questioned me confused.
"I've got a driver in many places" I replied smiling. "You wanna come shopping after school?" Is questioned her.
"Can't sorry.. But if you wanna go at lunch I can" she replied.
"Yeah, sure. I'll get my driver to come at start of lunch" I replied. We all then walked in and went straight to the sixth form room. My phone then beeped..
From: Jason
It was great seeing you today. I hope we can catch up soon.. xx
I then texted him back.
To: Jason
Yeah it was great seeing you, and yeah we've gotta catch up soon ;) xx
I then smiled and Dynasty must of noticed.
"What are you smiling at?" Dynasty questioned me smiling.
"Just got a text from ex. He's currently on a 8 hour journey to London" I replied. She then looked at me confused. "He came to pick my car up and then I realised it was him" I replied.
"The guy you dated a while" she replied.
"Yeah that's him" I replied.
"Why don't you ask him to come over the weekend?" She questioned me.
"He probably won't because he drove 8 hours here and back and then doing the same at the end of the week... And anyway I haven't told him I'm pregnant" I replied.
"Ah, alright" she replied. The bell then went. We then walked to form together.. After registration we went to our lessons.. Lunch shortly arrived and I had already texted my driver in the morning the time to meet at the school. I then walked to sixth form room and met up with Dynasty. We both then walked outside and the car was there. My driver got out and opened the door for us and we both got in. He then drove us to town. We pulled up out side and we got out. I told the driver the time to meet us back here and then we both walked in.
"You wanna grab some lunch first?" I questioned Dynasty.
"Please.. I'm starving" she replied smiling. We both then found a place and ate. We walked around the shops for a bit, I brought a few new clothes.
"You wanna get anything else for the baby?" She questioned me.
"You really wanna go in the shop again?" I replied.
"Yeah.. The clothes just look too cute" she replied. We both walked over to the baby shop where we went before. I brought a few more bits.
"This crib is so nice" Dynasty said.
"Yeah that is it actually, I've looked for clothes" I replied.
"Very pricy too" she replied looking at the price tag.
"Well shall I order it then?" I replied smiling.
"Yep!" She replied. I then walked over to the desk and ordered the crib to be sent over to my house and I then paid. We both then walked out with me carrying all my bags mostly baby clothes.. We got in the car and my driver drove us back.

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