Chapter 19

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I woke up the next day and did my usual routine. After I was ready I walked downstairs and had my breakfast and grabbed my bags and got in my car. My phone then began ringing it was the women helping me look for a house. I then answered it.
"Hello" I said.
"Morning, sorry to bother you, but I have a house that you might like. Would you like to come and view it?" She questioned me.
"Yeah, sure. When?" I questioned her.
"When are you free?" She asked.
"I can do 12:30" I replied.
"12:30 it is" She replied me.
"Perfect" I replied.
"Great, the address is *Adress*. I'll meet you there" she replied. I then put the phone down and carried on driving to school. I soon arrived and parked up and got out and I saw Dynasty, Kevin and Donte together. They all hen walked over to me.
"Nice car" Dynasty said.
"Thanks" I replied. "Donte I have a scan after school. Do you wanna come?" I questioned him.
"Yeah, obviously" he replied.
"Great. We have English before last so we can go straight to the appointment" I replied smiling.
"Yeah, of course" he replied. We then began walking into school. "So have you started looking for a new place?" He questioned me.
"Yep, going to view a house at lunch" i replied.
"Nice. Who you going with?" He questioned me.
"Myself" I replied.
"I'll come if you want. You can't go making a decision like that by yourself now can you" he replied smiling.
"Yeah you right. Thanks" I replied smiling back at him. We then all went straight to form. When form consigned i had art. I walked to my class and walked in and sat down. I began getting on with the work and Miss Campbell walked over to me.
"I've heard you've got an appointment today. Are you ok?" She questioned me.
"Yep, this is the best I've felt since finding out" I replied.
"Well that's great. How far are you now?" She questioned me.
"17 weeks" I replied.
"Nearly half way" she said.
"Yep" I replied.. The class shortly finished and got to my other classes.. Then lunch finally arrived. Me and Donte both walked to my car and both got in.
"You wanna grab some lunch after? I have a free.." I questioned Donte.
"Lunch sounds great. I also have a free" he replied. I then drove to the house and parked up outside.
"The outside looks nice" he replied.
"It's ok I guess" I replied. We both then got out and I locked the door. I then walked in and the estate agent was there.
"After ok, Megan" she said shaking mine and then Dontes hand. "Who's this lovely chap?" She questioned me.
"Donte. He's a friend of mine" I replied.
"Nice to meet you.." He said shaking her hand.
"Sally" she replied. She then began shaping is around. "You said you wanted 4 bedrooms. This is only 3. Was there a reason you wanted a 4?" She questioned me.
"Yeah. One for me, one for my child, a spare room and maybe a play room" I replied.
"You have a child?" She questioned me.
"Well I'm pregnant" I replied.
"Ah, I see. So what's yours feeling for this house?" She questioned me.
"It's a bit old fashioned. I want something more modern, and 4 bed" I replied.
"Absolutely" she replied. She then eventually showed us out and I drove to a drive thru and we had so dinner. We soon made it back to school and still had time in our free period so we walked to the sixth form room and chilled for a bit. The bell then went and we got to our classes. The end of school finally arrived and me and Donte both walked out together into my car. I then drove to the scan appointment and parked up and got out. We both then walked in and I checked in and then we both sat down. The waiting time seemed like forever..
"Megan McQueen" the nurse called out. We both then stood up and walked in. She asked me how everything was going and then told me to lay down in the bed and lift my top. She then scanned my stomach so we could see the baby.
"Would you like a scan printed?" She questioned.
"Please. Could I have 2?" I questioned her.
"Course" she replied and walked out and soon walked back in by this point I had already wiped of the gel from my stomach and sat up. The nurse then handed me both the scan photos and I handed one to Donte. We then both walked out and got back in my car.
"Wow, it's weird" he said.
"Yep.." I replied. "Do you wanna grab some lunch?" I questioned him.
"Sure. Where?" He questioned me.
"How about a place in town. I need to grab a few things" I replied.
"Sure" he replied. I then drove to town and parked up and walked in. We found a nice small restaurant in there and grabbed a table and ordered and then ate and finally, payed. We then walked out and began browsing through the shops.
"I wanna grab a few things for the baby while I'm here" I said.
"Yeah, sure. That will be great" he replied. We then walked into my usual baby shop. "What do you wanna get today?" He questioned me.
"Maybe look for a baby car seat" I replied. I then looked around and came across one. "This is cute" i said.
"What is it?" He questioned me.
"It's a three in one. It include the actual pushchair the, carrycot and car seat" I replied.
"Yeah it's nice" he replied. I then called someone over to collect the item that was in a box round the back and they placed it behind the till while we still looked around. I also got a Moses basket to wait round the back.
"How about this" Donte called out. It was a baby grow with the writing 'I Love Daddy'.
"Yeah that's cute" I replied. I also grabbed even more clothes and bibs, socks. I took it all to the counter and paid. I then grabbed the clothing bags and Donte grabbed the 3 in 1 stroller things. A man also kindly offered to carry out the Moses basket to the car. They carried it all out and I opened my boat and placed it all in. We then got back in my car and drove Donte home.
"Today was great, thanks for letting me come along" Donte said.
"Yeah of course" I replied.
"How much do I own you for all the stuff?" He questioned me.
"Nothing. I'm just glad your here" I replied.
"Are you sure. I don't want you paying for everything" he replied.
"Please. I'm just glad k have your loving support" I replied smiling. We both then looked at each other and both went in for a kiss, but suddenly my phone began ringing and I backed away to grab my phone. I then answers it, it was Maggie.
"Hey" I said.
"Hiya, I was wondering if you were having tea with us?" She questioned me.
"No, I've already had some thanks. I'm on my way back" I replied.
I then out the phone down.
"I'll see you tomorrow" I said go Donte.
"Yeah, see you tomorrow.." He said slowly getting out the car. I then drove home and Kevin and Maggke helped me get all the stuff out the boot and carried up to my room. I then decided to have an early night..

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