Chapter 14

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Next Day
I woke up the next day and got up. I had a shower and got dressed and did my hair and make up. I then walked downstairs.
"Morning, why didn't you tell me about yesterday?" Maggie questioned me when I walked in.
"Oh.. I'm sorry. I just didn't feel up to it" I replied.
"What happened? All I heard was that you collapsed and ended up in hospital" she replied.
"Yeah.. There's a little more to it. Can we speak this afternoon?" I questioned me.
"Your worrying me now, but of course" she replied.
"Thanks" I replied. I then had my breakfast and then brushed my teeth and finished getting ready. I then got in my car and drove to school. I arrived and grabbed my bags and few folders. I walked into school not looking where I was going when I bumped into someone and all my folders fell out of hands.
"I'm so sorry" I heard as I quickly went down to pick them up. I then looked up and saw Donte about to get down to help me.
"It's fine. I should of been looking where I was going" I replied.
"Here" he said and passed me my folders.
"See you then" I replied.
"Hey, wait" he said just as I was about to leave.
"Yeah?" I questioned me.
"You alright?" He questioned me.
"Yeah.. Why wouldn't I be?" I questioned him.
"Don't get mad. It's just that I overheard, Miss Campbell tell Mr Clarkson that you ended up in hospital yesterday" he said.
"Oh um.. Yeah, but I'm fine seriously" I replied.
"That's good then" he said.
"Yeah bye" I replied, and began to walk off.
"One more thing" he said and I turned around. "I'm sorry about everything. I've acted like a total jerk" he said.
"Uh ha" I replied.
"Can you please forgive me?" He questioned me.
"Why not" I replied. He then hugged me.
"I'm glad we are friends again" he said.
"Me two" I replied. We both then began walking to the sixth form room.
"So.. There's this huge party going on tonight. You wanna come?" He questioned me.
"I'm sorry. I just don't feel up to partying" I replied.
"Nah, it's fine" he replied. We then walked into the sixth form room. "You wanna coffee?" He questioned me.
"I'll have a water please" I replied.
"Really. You always have coffee" he replied.
"I'm cutting down on caffeine" I replied.
"Ah. Ok" he said and passed me a glass of water. The bell then went and we both walked off to form.
"You feeling better?" Mr Clarkson questioned me as I walked in.
"Yeah, thanks" I replied. I then sat down next to Dynasty.
"So you sorted everything out with Donte?" Dynasty questioned me.
"Yeah, and I'm glad" I replied.
"Well it's probably best that your talking when you tell him" she replied.
"Yeah.." I replied. We then talked a while during form until the bell went and we walked to first period.
"Hey, you wanna go out shopping at lunch?" I questioned Dynasty.
"Yeah, sure" she replied.
"Great. I'll meet you at sixth form room at lunch. Do you have a free after lunch?" I questioned her. She then checked her timetable.
"Yeah" she replied.
"Great" I replied. I then walked to my class and got on with the morning... Lunch soon arrived and I walked over to the sixth form room. We both then walked out and to my car.
"Ready to shop?" I questioned her smiling. I then drove us to town. I parked up and we got out. We first grabbed some lunch and then began shopping.
"Have you looked in any baby shops yet?" Dynasty questioned me.
"No. Not yet" I replied.
"Well why don't we?" She questioned me smiling.
"Fine" I replied. We then walked into a designer boutique for baby's.
"These are cute" Dynasty said looking at some cute boots.
"They are" I replied. "I just don't know the gender yet. I wanna just get plain simple clothes for mixed genders" I then said.
"Yeah your right" She replied.
"These are cute" she then said looking at some baby grows.
"Yeah. Shall I get them?" I questioned her.
"Yeah!" She replied. I also grabbed some cute socks and bibs and some baby grows and vest. I then paid and grabbed the bag.
"Thanks for today" I said.
"For what?" She questioned me.
"I haven't dared go into a baby shop since finding out because if I did I knew it was real" I replied.
"Hey, it's fine. I had fun. Those clothes are so cute!!" She replied.
"Ive just been so scared" I replied.
"Your gonna be a great mom" she said.
"I hope so. I can't even find a way to tell the father.." I replied.
"You'll find a way. Everything happens for a reason" she replied.
"Yeah" I began saying. "Are you going to that party tonight?" I questioned her.
"Yeah, why are you?" She questioned.
"No I'm not, but you are and because you've been such a good friend let me buy you a new outfit.. You can wear it tonight?" I questioned her.
"No.. You don't have too seriously" She replied.
"Well I'm not taking NO for an answer" I replied. I then grabbed her into a few shops and finally found an outfit.
"Thanks" she said hugging me. We both then walked back to my car. I put my bags in the boot and so did Dynasty. We then drove back to school... The rest of the day was quite boring.. I had Miss Campbell checking on me again. Donte begging me to go to this party. The day was finally over and met up with Dynasty and gave her bags to her. I then got in my car and drove back. I parked up and grabbed my bags full of baby stuff. I then crept in and was half way up the stairs.
"Your home" I heard from behind me. It was Maggie.
"Hey Maggie" I said and turned around.
"Been shopping?" She questioned me.
"Yeah me and Dynasty hit the shops at lunch" I replied.
"At a baby's boutique?" She questioned me. I then walked down the stairs.
"Ok.. I'll tell you the truth. Is anyone home yet?" I questioned.
"In there rooms getting for this party. I thought you would be going?" She questioned me.
"I need to tell you the truth" I replied.
"Of why your buying baby clothes" she replied.
"Yeah.." I replied. We then walked into the living room. "I'm pregnant" I replied.
"What?" She questioned me confused.
"Yeah.. I know. I'm gonna try and find a new place to live. You or anyone of the other kids won't want a screaming baby living here" I then said.
"No! You don't have to. This is your home as well. You seem happy. I haven't see you smile like this in a while" she replied.
"I've finally came to terms that I'm gonna be a mother" I replied. Maggie then hugged me.
"Who's the father?" She questioned me.
"Um.. Donte" I replied.
"I'm guessing he didn't know by the way you said his name" she replied.
"Nope.. Not yet" I replied.
"Ah. How far gone are you?" She questioned me.
"13 weeks" I replied.
"Well you seem to be doing good. That's the main thing" she replied.
"Yeah. Thanks" I replied.
"You want any tea?" She questioned me.
"I'm fine at the minute thanks" I replied. I then walked up to my room and put the bags on the floor next to my bed. I then got dressed into something comfy. I did some home work for awhile and then sat on my bed and turned the to on and turned in my laptop. I began searching for a bigger car as my car is only a two seater.

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