Chapter 11

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Lunch finally arrived. I walked into the sixth form room.
"Hey" Dynasty said greeting me.
"Hey, I can't stay for long. I have to go I'm just coming to say I've gotta go" I replied.
"Ok, where you going?" She questioned me.
"I'll talk later" I replied and hugged her. I then walked out and went straight to the car park. Miss Campbell was there.
"Have you had any lunch?" She questioned me.
"No" I replied.
"You need to eat. That's why you collapsed this morning" she replied.
"I know. Can we stop off after appointment?" I questioned her.
"Sure" she replied. We then got in her car and she drove us to the doctors. We pulled up and was early. We walked in and checked in.
"The nurse will be with you soon" the women at the desk said. We then went and sat in the waiting room..
"You alright?" She questioned me.
"Scared" I replied.
"Do you want me to come in with you?" She questioned me.
"Please. I can't face this alone" I replied. She hen smiled at me. 10 minutes passed..
"Megan McQueen" the women called my name. Me and miss Campbell stood up and walked in.
"Hi. I'm Megan" I said shaking her hand and walking in. We both sat on the chairs provided.
"So, Megan how are you feeling?" She questioned me.
"Well ok I guess" I replied.
"All right. Shall we have a little look at this baby?" She questioned me smiling. She then told me to lie down on the bed. I stood up and laid down on the bed. "Could you lift your top up slightly" she asked. I then lifted my top up slightly. "Ok, so I'm going to put some gel on your stomach. It may be a bit cold when I do this" she replied. She then out the gel in my stomach and it was quite cold for a bit. She then got the monitor and began rubbing it around my stomach. I then looked over at the screen of the monitor.
"Oh. Wow" I said surprised.
"Yep. That's your baby" the nurse replied.
"Is she/he healthy?" I questioned her.
"Yep. A very healthy little one" she began to say. "Your around 3 months" she then said.
"Thanks. Could I have a scan printed please?" I questioned.
"Yeah of course" she said. She then walked out off the room.
"Well that good then" Miss Campbell said.
"Yeah" I said smiling. The nurse then walked back in and gave me a paper towel to wipe my stomach. I then sat up and she handed me the scan.
"Thanks you" i said, looking at it. I then placed it in my bag and we walked out. We then got in her car and drove to a drive thru.
"Do you want anything. My treat, for everything?" I questioned.
"I'll take you up on that offer" she then said. We then ordered and paid and then got out food. We then parked up and ate it.
"Did you plan cover?" I questioned her.
"Yeah. I said I was a doctors appointment" I replied. "and ill get you off missing some lessons" she then said.
"Thank you miss" I replied.
"My pleasure. So what are you going to do now?" She questioned me starting the engine.
"I've been thinking about it. We have a 4 week holiday off now. I might go up to London for them. You know sort my head out and maybe get my parents house up for sale" I replied.
"That's a good idea. What about Donte?" She then questioned me.
"I'll tell him when I get back. If I told him now then I dunno" I replied. She then drove us back to the school.
"When you planning to leave?" She questioned me.
"Today. I have a free last period so after this lesson I'll go" I said.
"Ok. Well be safe yeah" she said.
"I will. Thanks for everything" I replied.
"That's ok" she said and I hugged her. I then walked to my lesson with a note and sat down. After the lesson finished I rang, Dynasty to meet me at the parking lot.
"Hey" she said walking over to me.
"Hey. You do have a free right?" I questioned her.
"Yeah. I was just heading home" she replied.
"Good. Well um.. I'm going to London for the 4 weeks off" I said.
"You are. Why?" She questioned me.
"I need some time to sort some things out" I replied.
"Ok. What things? Are you sure your ok" she replied.
"Yeah. I'm great I'll call you everyday" I replied.
"Yeah you better. When you get back we can actually go out to that meal at your restaurant that you promised ages ago" she said smiling.
"Yeah. Of course" she replied hugging me.
"We'll see you in 4 weeks then" I said.
"Yeah. See you" she said and hugged me again. I then got in my car and drove to the school house. I pulled up and got out. Maggie wasn't home yet so I rang her telling her that I was going London. I then packed all my stuff and put them in my car. I then set off to London... I stopped off at a hotel half way and the next day shortly arrived.

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