Chapter 28

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(If you are wondering how old Jason is then he is 20 years old. So he's older than Megan)
We woke up early hours of the next morning and got on our flight back to Scotland. We arrived and it was 3pm. We got in my car and I drove us to my house. We arrived and I clicked the button for the gates to open and they began to open.
"This is gorgeous, Megan" my grandma said to me. "Much better than the pictures" she then said. I then drove up the drive way and Donte was standing out side. I pulled up and got out and Donte went round to my grandma and helped her out the car.
"It's nice to the meet you, Mrs McQueen" Donte said politely. "I'm Donte" he said.
"Please call me, Mel" my grandma said smiling. Donte then helped her out and me and my grandma walked in and Donte grabbed the luggage. I then showed my grandma around the house.
"Now time to show you my favourite room" I said referring to the pool. I then opened the double doors into the pool room.
"I've always wanted a pool" my grandma replied.
"Well you have one know" I replied.
"I'm just going to go up and unpack. Thankyou, honey" she replied and kissed me on the cheek and walked upstairs. I then walked into the kitchen where Donte was.
"You alright?" he questioned me. "You want me to cook you something?" He then asked me.
"Yeah I'm fine, but no thanks I'm not hungry" I replied. "So.. I was thinking of me building a little house in the back for my grandma like a bungalow type because she finds it hard walking up and down stairs" I said.
"That sounds great. It's not the like the yard isn't big enough anyway" Donte said.
"Yeah, I mean the business is doing extremely well and I mean extremely and also I wanna give something back to her for everything she's done for this family" I said.
"Yeah, well your very kind" Donte said and hugged me. I then heard the front door open and it must be Jason. I then walked over to the door and it was Jason.
"Jason" I said hugging him and kissing him.
"So glad your back. How was it. Is she settling in well?" He questioned me.
"Yeah she's doing great" I replied.
"Well that's good news" he replied... We then caught up and I got the phone to some builders looking for some quotes. I got a rough quote over the phone and the guy said he could come over in about hour. Be then arrived and I opened the gate and opened the front door and saw as he drove through. He parked up and got out.
"Afternoon, I'm David the guy you spoke to in the phone" he said shaking my hand.
"Nice to meet you. I'm Megan" I replied. I then showed him to the back yard and where about I would like it. He then did some measuring and started asking me a few questions and then gave me a quote. I decided just to go for it as I wanted it built before the baby was here and if it wasn't then there was only the little bits left to do. I didn't want to wait around getting different quotes. I said bye to the builder and walked upstairs to my grandma and knocked on her door and walked in.
"Hey, grandma" I said.
"Hey, who was that guy?" He questioned me.
"A builder. I'm gonna build you a little house in the yard. You can design it how you like and what you want in it. So your dream house" I said.
"I can't let you do that. What about all the money you will be spending" she said.
"Forget about the money. This is your money too. The business was pretty much a family business. You, grandpa, mom and dad and me" I said.
"Your to good for me" she said nearly crying and hugging me.
"I love you, ma" I said.
"I love you too, honey" she replied. I then let her rest and walked out the door. I decided to have an early night as I just been on 2, 9 hour flights in less than 3 days...

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