Chapter 8

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*Next Day*
I woke up laying next to, Donte. I looked st my phone and it was 7am. I immediately jumped out off bed and began getting ready.
"Donte" I said nudging him.
"Yeah, what?" He questioned me.
"We have school. I have to go" I replied.
"Yeah. Ok" he said. He then got up and began kissing me.
"I can't. I have to get back before, Maggie realises I haven't been home" I said.
"Fine" he spelled. He then got dressed into some joggers and we jumped in his car and he drove me to the bottom of the drive way.
"Can I at least have a kiss goodbye?" He questioned me.
"Yeah. Thanks for a great night" I replied and began kissing him. I then got out and snuck in the front. I was half way up the stairs until..
"Megan, where have you been?" I heard from behind me.
"Um.. Stayed at s friends" I replied turning around slowly.
"Is that 'friend' Donte?" She questioned me.
"No!" I replied.
"Well why did I see him drop you off?" She questioned me.
"Did you. Oh yeah. He picked me up and brought me here" I replied.
"Ok. Whatever. Now get ready for school" she replied. I walked up and straight away jumped in the shower. I then got out and did my hair and makeup and finally got ready. I then walked downstairs and had some breakfast quickly. I then jumped in my car and drove to school and made it just in time. I walked in and began walking to form and saw Donte. He walked over to me and kissed me.
"Morning, gorgeous" he said.
"Morning to you too" I replied. He then held my hand and we walked into form. He then kissed me and I walked to my seat.
"So the date went well then?" Dynasty questioned me smirking.
"Uh. Yeah" I replied.
"So did you end up staying round his?" She questioned me.
"Wait.. How did you know that?" I looked at her confused.
"Kevin told me. He saw you getting out of his car this morning" she replied.
"Really.." I replied.
"Did you sleep with him?" She whispered.
"Yeah, and I wish I didn't" I relied.
"Wait. I thought you like him?" She replied.
"Yeah.. I feel like we are rushing this relationship. I don't even feel like I'm ready for another relationship.. I have just gotten out of a 3 year relationship" I replied.
"Oh.. Right. So what you going to do?" She questioned me.
"I don't wanna hurt his feelings. I wanna be mates and maybe in the future we could happen.." I said. "How do you think he will react?" I then questioned.
"To be honest.. I don't know" she replied.
"Megan, Dynasty what's all this chatter about?" Mr Clarkson shouted from his desk at the front.
"Sorry sir" Dynasty said. "You need to tell him if you don't feel that way" she then whispered. Donte then turned around and smiled at me. I put on a fake smile back and be turned back around. Form shortly ended and I went to my lessons.. Lunch finally arrived and I walked to the sixth form room. Donte walked over to me and hugged me.
"Donte I need to talk to you" I said.
"Yeah. Of course babe" he said. We both then walked over to the opposite side of the room.
"Look.." I began to say.
"Yeah. I really like you, Megan. I can see a future with us two. What you say because I've never been happier" he said throwing his heart out to me.
"Yeah. I think the same" I lied. I didn't know how to break it too him.. He then hugged me. "I've gotta go and meet dynasty" I replied.
"She's right there" he said pointing to the sofa.
"Oh yeah. See you" I replied. I then walked off and sat down next to Dynasty.
"Hey" i said.
"Did you tell him?" She questioned me.
"Nope.. I'll invite him round tonight and tell him" I replied.
"Well it will only get worst of you don't tell him" she replied.
"Yeah.. I know" I replied. I then went and grabbed some lunch with Dynasty and Donte and Kevin joined us.
"Um.. Donte you wanna come over for tea tonight?" I questioned.
"Yeah. Of course" he said eating his dinner. The bell shortly went and we got to our classes.. It finally reached home town and I went straight to my car.
"Megan" I heard from behind me. I turned around and it was Donte.
"Hey, what's ups?" I questioned him as he did a small jog over to me.
"When you want me to come over?" He questioned me.
"Um.. In an hour?" I questioned him.
"Yeah. Sure. See you then" he then leant in to kiss me and turned so he would kiss my cheek. "Yeah. See you then" he said and turned around and walked off. I then got into my car and drove back. When I arrived home I informed Maggie that, Donte will be coming over and I walked up to my room. I then got dressed into some clothes before getting some last minute revision/homework done. There them was a knock at the door as I began walking downstairs. Maggie went and answered it.
"Donte, nice to see you again" she said as Donte walked in.
"Thanks for having me" he replied. I then walked over to the door.
"Your here" I said and he hugged me.
"Yep. Just like you said" he replied.
"You coming up?" I questioned him.
"Sure" he said. We both then walked upstairs into my room. "hey, what's up?" He questioned me as I sat in my bed.
"Um.. I can't" I said.
"You can't what?" He questioned me confusedly.
"Us" I said.
"What do you mean?" He questioned.
"I can't do us. I'm not ready for another relationship" he said.
"Wait.. Are you serious!" He said standing up and looking at me.
"I'm sorry, Donte. I wanted to tell you.. Dynasty said its better I tell you know" I replied.
"Wait, Dynasty knew?" He questioned me.
"Yeah.." I replied.
"So. What? You guys were laughing behind my back then" he said.
"No!" I replied.
"You know what. It's best I go" he said and walked out.
"Wait, Donte" I shouted running over to the door and grabbing his arm.
"Just leave me alone. I knew it wasn't real especially with a girl like you" he said.
"What does that mean 'a girl like me'?" I questioned him.
"Look at you. Your the prettiest girl in the school and have a great personality. There ain't many girls like that at our school.. I knew it was too good to be true" he said. I then realised my hand from his arm and be walked down the stairs and out the door. I then walked down after and walked into the dining area.
"Who was that leaving?" Maggie questioned me.
"Oh. Um.. Donte" I replied.
"Isn't he staying?" She then questioned me.
"No. I broke up with him" I said and sat down.
"Oh darling. Why? Do you wanna talk?" She questioned me.
"No, not really" I said. She then brought me my food over and I ate and then went up to my room and decided to have an early night..

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