Chapter 23

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+7 Days..
Today is the day I get the keys for the house! I'm so excited..! The guy allowed me to have all my new furniture delivered to house that I had ordered. I ordered everything brand new as I had nothing. I woke up early and was glad it was a weekend and also had the Monday off. I got dressed into a cute tracksuit and tied my hair up into a messy bun. I then applied a small amount of makeup and walked downstairs. Maggie had my breakfast already made and I ate it up.
"Thanks Maggie" I said.
"Well you won't be getting one of those at your new place" she replied. I smiled and hugged her.
"Are you sure you don't need help moving in?" She questioned me.
"Nope. I have some guys coming round to build all the stuff. All the furniture is already there I've put them in what room they need to be in. They just need to be built" I replied.
"Ok" she replied. Maggie then helped me load up my car with all my stuff and just managed to fit everything in. I then drove down to the house. I then clicked the button in the remote for the gates and they opened. I then drove up the drive way and used the same remote that opened up the garage and parked my car in there and got out. I then walked into my house. I began sorting out the kitchen like putting everything in it and filling the cupboards. The buzzer then went off and I looked in the screen to see who it was. It was the guys that we building everything. I opened the gates and they came driving down. They then started building the items room by room. Awhile after I then heard the buzzer go off again. I had a look and it was Donte. I opened the gates up for him and he came driving down the drive way. He got out and out got, Dynasty and Kevin.
"What are you guys doing here?" I questioned them and hugged them.
"Helping you move in" Donte replied.
"There is nothing hats need to be done. The guys are building everything. There is literally 4 rooms being done at the moment" I replied.
"How many people do you have working?" Dynasty questioned me.
"There's quite a few, but at least it's get done quicker" I replied. "They said everything should be built by the end of the day" I replied.
"Well we can't help do the little jobs" Donte replied.
"Well my room is finished you guys can help carry out all my clothes and fill my closet" I replied. They then smiled and helped me carry all my boxes in and into my room. We all then filled my closet. We all then added the finishing touches to each room that was finished. All the bedrooms and bathrooms were competed. The kitchen was pretty much finished. They guys then began sorting out all the other rooms. A few hours later..
"Me and Kevin better be going. I promised my mum I'll meet her for some dinner" Dynasty said.
"Sure. Thanks for today" I replied.
"It's looking amazing" she replied.
"Thanks Kevin" I said. They then walked out the gates to where there taxi was.
"So than what are you going to do with all this space?" Donte questioned me as we walked back in.
"I was wondering if you wanted a room?" I questioned me.
"Me?" He questioned me confused.
"Yeah. You are gonna be a father to this child inside of me. It's best your with the child not just popping around whenever" I replied.
"Really. You are serious?" He questioned me.
"Yeah" I replied.
"Wow. Yeah of course" he replied and hugged me.
"Well go and pick a room. Not the one with the other closet because that's the baby's because it's gonna have many clothes" I replied smiling. He then went upstairs and picked a room. Finally, all the house furniture was made the guys also offered to move it around for me to where I wanted it and also put up all my TVs and pictures on the walls. They soon left and me and Donte both added the finishing  touches. Me and Donte both then walked upstairs. I walked into the room where the bay would be.
"Why isn't any of the baby's furniture up?" I questioned looking at Donte.
"I told them not too" he replied.
"Why?" I questioned him.
"I wanted to decorate it. It is father thing right" he replied.
"Yeah, sure" I replied.
"Why don't I go and get all my stuff and bring back some food" Donte said.
"Well it doesn't look like we have any other food in the house"I replied smiling. "Here" I said. "You might as well have the spare remote for the gates and garages and keys for the house" I replied handing them too him.
"Thanks" he replied and left. I then went in my room and got dressed into a bikini. I then walked downstairs and went in the pool for awhile. An hour or so later Donte walked in just as I was getting out with a towel around me.
"You brought food?" I questioned him smiling.
"Of course" he replied. We then went into the dining room and ate. Afterwards Donte brought in all his stuff and put it all his room.
"I'm gonna go to sleep now" I said.
"Same here" he replied.
"Night" I replied..
(Sorry it's boring. Just so you guys know she's moved in and stuff!)

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