Chapter 6

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I woke up he next morning early. I got it off bed and got straight in the shower before anyone else was awake. I then walked back into my room with my towel wrapped around me and a towel on my head. I then blowdried my hair and got dressed into my school uniform. I finally walked downstairs for breakfast. I grabbed my breakfast and ate it and then walked back upstairs and did my makeup. I then grabbed my bag and walked downstairs.
"Your leaving early" Maggie said.
"I'm picking up, Donte" I replied.
"Ah. Ok. We'll see you" she replied and hugged me. I then walked outside and unlocked my car and got in it. I then placed in the gps his address and drove there. I pulled up outside and got out and knocked on his door. He answered almost immediately. He then grabbed his bag and we got in my car.
"This car is sick" He said as I started the engine. I then drove us both to school and pulled up at the car park. We both then got out and walked inside to the sixth form room.
"Cheers for the lift" he said and hugged me. He then walked over to kitchen area and I walked over to, Dynasty.
"I thought you were playing hard to get. It doesn't look like that went you spent the weekend in London together and all your pics together" she said as I sat down.
"Not even a hi?" I questioned her smiling. "He was helping me out in the weekend my car had been delved, but was in London so he drove me there" I replied.
"And nothing happened?" She questioned me.
"No. Not even a cheeky kiss" I replied.
"Ok.. And what is this about you inviting most people from the school house too you restaurant" she said. "Wait! Why didn't you tell me you owned three restaurants?" she questioned me.
"For starters I didn't invite nearly everyone. I simply invited, Mrs Budgen and Mr Budgen and I kinda screamed it out.. But you can come if you want" I began saying. "And I didn't tell you about the restaurants because I thought you wouldn't even care" I replied laughing.
"What why wouldn't I care?" She replied.
"Ok.. I just didn't wanna tell anyone because in my last school that I was in for like a week.. Everyone found out about my fortune within the first day and only wanted to be my friend because off it, but I became friends with and, Donte before you even know that.." I said. "Just don't tell anyone else. Yeah!" I replied
"Of course" she replied and hugged me. "So.. What about you and Donte!?" She questioned me.
"Nothing is going on.. We have only known each other since Friday" I replied.
"Yeah, but went on a small trip together and spent the whole weekend there" she said.
"He's just an amazing friend. He's attractive, yeah! He has an amazing personality, but I don't think he wants anything" I replied.
"You aren't being serious.. Right!?" She questioned.
"Yeah. I am" the bell then went. We both then got up and walked to our dorm room. We all walked inside and sat down in our seats and then, Mr Clarkson walked in. He took the register and then we chatted for a bit. Form was finally over.
"Megan, can you hold up for a minute please" Mr Clarkson said. I walked over to him and waited till everyone was else had left the room.
"What's up, sir?" I questioned him.
"You feeling better now. I mean after Friday?" He questioned me.
"Yeah. Thanks. I'm gonna actually give this school ago" I replied.
"That's great. So did you have a good weekend then?" He questioned.
"Yeah. Great thanks" I replied.
"I called into the school house on Saturday to check on you and Maggie said you had gone London with, Donte?" He questioned me.
"Um.. Yeah. We went to pick up my new car together" I replied.
"Ok. Well Im glad your decided to stay here" he replied. He then wrote a note for why I was late and handed it me "I'll see you in English" he then said. I then walked out and walked into my first period. I had my first art lesson with, Miss Campbell. We didn't really get the great first impression. I walked in.. Late!
"So you showed up?" She said.
"Sorry miss. Mr Clarkson wanted to talk to me. Here" I replied and handed it her.
"Very well. You'll sit there" she pointed at a chair and I went and sat at it. She then explained to the whole class of what we were doing and I began to get on with it. I sat trough the whole lesson in silence as I got in with my work. After class had finished I had a free and walked over to the sixth form room. I walked in and took a seat and Donte walked over to me.
"Can I sit?" He questioned me.
"Sure" I replied and he took a seat next to me.
"So.. I was wondering if I could take you out somewhere?" He questioned me.
"What, like a date?" I replied.
"If you wanna call it that" she said.
"Yeah. Ok then" I replied.
"How about tonight. I'll be able to pick you up at 5pm" he said.
"Perfect" I replied.
"Great" he said. We then sat and talked for abit and the bell went for break. Dynasty then walked over to me.
"Hey, girl" she said and sat next to me.
"Dontes asked me out" I said immediately.
"Really.. When?" She questioned me.
"Tonight" I replied in excitement.
"Where's he taking you?" She questioned me.
"I don't know.." I replied.
"Well then it's a surprise then" she replied.
"Yeah.." I replied. I got on with the rest of the day and just had the usual lessons. After school had finished I drove, Donte home.
"See you tonight then" he replied and hugged me. I then said goodbye and drove to the school house. I parked up and got out and walked in.
"Hey, Maggie" I said as I walked in.
"Why are you so cheery all of a sudden?" She questioned me.
"Well Donte asked me out on a date tonight" I replied.
"Good for you" she said. I then went upstairs and did my hair. I then flicked through loads of my clothes and finally picked one. I then applied some more makeup and was finally ready.

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