Chapter 4

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We drove for about 4 hours and doing one stop. We got at the hotel around 10pm. We checked in and walked up to our room. We had two double beds and a bathroom.
"Well, I'm going to get ready for bed" I said. I walked into the bathroom with a pair of pj shorts and a a short sleeved top. I brushed my teeth and walked out and got in bed. Donte then took of his top and shoved and shoved on bottoms and t-shirt.
"Known each other for a day and your already seeing me topless" he said laughing getting into his bed. We both then went to sleep..
Next Day..

We woke up the next day around 9am. We got up and I got dressed and so did, Donte. We then grabbed our stuff and put in Dontes car and then set off. We stopped off for some breakfast and drive thru. We carried on with a journey and eventually made it to my parents house. The giant gates opened as we approached the front of the house.
"This is massive. Your parents must of been loaded" he said.
"Yeah, they were" I replied.
"Who did they leave the house too?" He questioned me.
"They left everything to me. The house, the cars, the money, there businesses. It's a lot for a 17 year old having this much more money" I replied.
"It must be. What are you doing with the house?" He questioned me.
"Hopefully sell it. I don't need it" I replied. We carried on slowly driving up the drive way.
"Didn't they leave anything else to any other family members?" He then questioned me.
"No. They didn't get along with many off them because of there success. They were jealous because they started out with nothing and then over night they were like this" I said. "They always wanted to help out there family. When they were struggling and stuff, but they never wanted it. They think the money changed them, but it didn't they were the most caring people ever" I replied. We then pulled up outside.
"This house would sell for a fortune. You wouldn't even have to work" he said.
"That's the thing. I do wanna work I don't wanna live off the money I've been provided because I wanna earn money. I'll be bored doing nothing" I replied. I then unlocked the doors and walked in.
"Woo. This is like a palace. Why are you living at the school house?" He questioned me.
"Well I tried living alone and that didn't work out. I lived here for a bit after there passing and that didn't turn or so good" I replied.
"Ah. Ok" he replied. I then grabbed the stuff I wanted and we walked out and get back in his car. He then drove me to the dealership and we parked up. We got out the car and walked inside.
"Megan" the manager said.
"Hiya" I replied hugging him.
"So sad to hear about your parents" he said.
"Yeah.." I replied. "I've came to pick my car up" I replied.
"Ah. It's just through here" he said. He then took me through the back into the garages and showed me my car.
"It's looks amazing" I said.
"Wow. That's one nice car" Donte said.
"It is. We just need he papers and stuff" he said. I then did everything you had to do. "Here are you keys" he finally said.
"Thank you, Andrea" I replied. I then took the keys off him and walked over to the garage. Donte followed me.
"So do you wanna go out for something to eat?" I questioned him.
"Sure. I'll follow you" he replied. I then got in my car and drove to a restaurant. We parked up and I got out and walked over to, Donte.
"This place is suppose to be amazing" he said.
"You heard that" I replied.
"Of course, it's very popular place" he replied. We both then walked in and stood at the waiting area.
"Megan. It's so lovely to see you again" one of the waiters approached me.
"Nice to see you too" I replied.
"Here. I'll show you too your table" she said and showed me and Donte to our table. She then took our orders for our drink and walked off.
"Do you know everyone here?" He questioned me.
"I am her boss" I said.
"What?" He looked at me confused.
"I own this. This is the business my mom and dad owned and they left it too me" I replied.
"Are you serious" he replied.
"Yeah. I don't think they like me that much" I replied.
"Why?" He questioned me.
"Well because I own 3 millionaire business's and probably right now have more money than they have ever had and I'm 17" I replied.
"Well when you put it that way" he said. The waitress then walked over again.
"I didn't think we will be seeing you here again" she said.
"Why? Did you think just because my parents have passed would mean I would let this business do whatever" I spelled.
"Oh. No" she said.
"Well.. I'm bringing in my accountant to check over the books later this week. Just because I'm in Scotland doesn't mean I can't run this company" I said. She then looked at me.. And slowly gave us our drinks and then ordered our food.
"So where are the other two restaurants?" He questioned me.
"Well there is one Scotland actually, because that is originally where we came from and then moved here so they wanted one up there as well and the other one is around Oxford. I haven't actually visited that one" I replied.
"So your pretty much set for your future" he said.
"Just because I have he money doesn't mean I want it. I never asked for it I was given it" I replied. We then chatted for awhile and they then brought out our food. We ate our food and hen I payed. I then walked out.
"So. Do you wanna head back? Or stay the night and we can visit a few places?" I questioned him.
"Can we stay the night. I would like to visit a few places" he replied.
"Sure. We can stay at my house" I replied.
"great" he replied. We visited loads of places around London. Afterwards we went back to mine and hung out and ordered pizza and then went to sleep...

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