Chapter 12

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+4 Weeks
I arrived home a day ago from my little trip to, London. I woke up and had a quick shower and then walked back into my room. I got dressed and did my hair and makeup and and looked down at my stomach. People are gonna start noticing I'm pregnant.. I finally, walked downstairs for some breakfast.
"It's so good to have you back" Maggie said hugging me.
"It's good to be back" I row lied.
"So, what did you get up to in London?" She questioned me.
"Well I managed to sell my parents house. I also sold a some of there's cars" I replied.
"Well that's good you did it in London then" she replied.
"Yeah. That's what I wanted to do" I replied. She then handed me my breakfast. I ate it and grabbed my bag and walked out. I got in my car and drove to a drive thru and grabbed a coffee. I shortly arrived at school and got out my car and began walking in.
"Your back" Miss Campbell said as I walked passed her.
"Yep. Back to the school life" I replied and walked off. I walked into the sixth form room and ran up to, Dynasty and hugged her.
"Your back!" She screamed hugging me.
"Hell yeah!" I screamed back.
"What did you get up to in London?" She questioned me as we sat down.
"Selling the house and few cars. Getting the money" I replied.
"Yep" she replied. The bell soon went and I grabbed another coffee and walked to form.
"Welcome back class" Mr Clarkson said as we all walked in. We all then took a seat. He went through registration and read out some stuff. There then www a knock at the door.
"Could I have a word with, Megan?" Miss Campbell said to Mr Clarkson.
"Yeah of course" he replied.
"Bring your stuff" she then said.
"Ok" I replied. I picked up my bag and grabbed my coffee and walked out. We went to miss Campbell's office and I took a seat. "What's up?" I questioned her.
"How you doing?" She questioned me.
"Yeah great" I replied.
"You shouldn't really drinking coffee. It's not good for the baby" she said.
"Ah. We are talking about the pregnancy" I replied.
"Yeah. What else?" She questioned me.
"I really don't want to talk about the pregnancy or the baby!" I replied.
"Are you ok?" She questioned me.
"I'm just super tied. I didn't get back till late last night and had a thousand pieces of homework in for today. Iv had what, 4 hours sleep" I replied.
"You need to sleep" she replied.
"Yeah. I know" I replied. "You know what. I can't deal with the talk off a baby. So I'm going to leave.." I replied. I grabbed my bags and walked off. I walked out to the car park and got in my car and drove off out of school. I drove to town. I parked up and walked in. I walked around for awhile when my phone began running. It was Dynasty. I ignored it and carried on shipping. My phone kept ringing. I then got a text.
From: Dynasty
Where are you? Miss Campbell is looking for you. Why are you skipping class? Ring me please!!
I put my phone back in my bag and began lining up at a coffee shop. I suddenly began feeling light headed and faint. I cliched my hand on to my forehead. A man must of noticed who was in front off me.
"Are you ok?" He questioned me looking at me.
"Uh. Yeah" I replied. My legs suddenly went like jelly and he grabbed me. I then collapsed..
Guys P.O.V
She suddenly collapsed right in my arms. I moved her out of the line and laid her down. There then was a crowd around. I rang an ambulance as I didn't know what was going on! I then went in her bag and grabbed her phone out and looked through her recent contacts. A girl named, Dynasty had been ringing her. I rang the number.
Dynasty: Megan! Where are you?
Guy: Hiya. My name is Derik I'm with the girl now. She's in this coffee shop and has just collapsed. I've rang an ambulance for her.
Dynasty: omg! Is she ok!?
Guy: I'm not sure. The ambulance will be here soon. I can go in the ambulance with her if you want and can meet at the hospital.
Dynasty: Yeah thank you!
The phone then went dead..
Dynasty's P.O.V
I was standing with Miss Campbell. After the phone call I out my phone back in my bag.
"We need to get to the hospital" I said.
"What, why?" She replied.
"She's collapsed" Indian.
"I knew something like this would happen. Come on" she replied.
"What's up with her?" She questioned me.
"It's not for me to say" she replied. We then ran out and got in her car.

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