Chapter 7

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I then walked downstairs as it was nearly 5. I then saw Dontes car pull up and he got out and rang the bell. I walked over and answered in.
"Wow, you look amazing" he said and looked at me.
"Thank you, you look great too" I replied. He then kissed me on the cheek and I walked out and got in his car.
"So, where are we going?" I questioned me.
"I was thinking either dinner or movies and dinner?" He questioned me.
"Movies and dinner sounds great" I said. He then drove us to too the movies and pulled up. We got out and walked in and chose the film we wanted. We grabbed a drink and some popcorn and walked in. We sat at the back of the theatre and the movie shortly began playing. Half way through the movie he put his arm over me. I then looked at him.
"Oh. Um.. Im sorry" he said looking all worried. I then smiled and leant in and began kissing him passionately. "Ok.. What was that for?" He questioned me smiling. I then smiled and we carried on watching the movie cuddling. After the film had finished we left and got back in the car.
"So. How about some food then?" He questioned me.
"How about, no!" I said.
"What?" He said looking at me confused.
"How about your place" I said and began kissing him.
"My place it is" he replied and started the engine and drove there. We got out and walked in. No one was home. We went straight up to Dontes room. "This is my room" he said.
"Very nice" I replied taking my top off.
"Ok.." He Dias. I then walked over to him and began kissing him.. (You know what's just happened!) I ended up staying the night..

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