Chapter 31

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+2 Weeks
I've still not spoken to Jason or even heard from him since the last time I spoke to him. I heard from his father that he decided to stay away for a little long, but don't know how long.
Anyway... today is our six form leavers party at the school. It's after school and as I have finished school I won't need to go in, but Donte does.
"I'll see you after school then" Donte said to me. He then kissed Charlotte goodbye and walked out. It's going to be the first time going into school since having Charlotte and I was going in earlier to see everyone. I carried Charlotte upstairs and laid her down in the Moses basket that I had placed in my bathroom  while I had a shower. I got out and moved the Moses basket back into my room and she was awake, but wasn't doing anything. I blowdried my hair and then curled it and did my makeup and quickly got dressed as, Charlotte began to cry. I then picked her up and breast fed her and then burbed her and carried her into her nursery. I placed her down on the changing station and changed her nappy and got her dressed. I put in a vest and baby grow and a hat and some mittens so her hands don't get cold. I then placed her in her crib as I began to prepare her baby bag and breast pumped milk and carried placed the fridge. I walked back up and picked up Charlotte and walked downstairs with her in my arms and the baby bag on the other arm. I placed her down in the Moses basket downstairs and made myself something to eat. I then ate and out all the dirty dishes in dish washer. I put a little coat on Charlotte and placed her in her car seat and grabbed the bottles from the fridge and put them in the bag. I made sure I had everything and strapped her in the car. I grabbed the baby bag and locked the door and placed it in the car and then drove to the school. I arrived and parked up. I got the car seat out of the car and then i put the baby bag onto my shoulder and locked up my car. Miss Campbell then walked over to me as I was about to walk inside.
"Megan" she said and hugged me and I hugged her back. "Aw she's so adorable" Miss Campbell then said.
"Aw thank you" I replied. Miss Campbell then helped me by taking the baby bag off my shoulder and we both then walked in and walked into the staff room.
School was nearly finished with only an hour to go.
We walked in I placed Charlottes car seat onto one of the chairs. The teachers then all greeted me and Maggie then walked in.
"How's my little angel" she said.
"She's great" I replied. She walked over I got Charlotte out and handed her to her. She has a hold for a while and so did the other teachers.
"Have you still not spoken to Jason?" Maggie then questioned me.
"Um.. nope" I replied.
"Are you alright?" She asked.
"Yeah. I'm fine, I guess. At least Donte cares" I replied. She then smiled at me and passed Charlotte over to me. I then gave fed her a bottle and changed her nappy. Awhile later I met up with Donte.
"Hey" he said smiling to me. "How has she been?" He asked me.
"Good as gold, much better than last night" I replied.
"Ah ha. Well that's good then" he replied. I then passed her over to Donte. People soon then began to arrive at the party... Everyone was so nice and wanted to meet Charlotte. We got on with the night... Miss Campbell and Maggie then approached us.
"Hey" I said.
"You having fun?" Maggie asked.
"Yeah, it's great. It's great to see everyone again" I replied.
"So, have you got any plans for work? Or are you going to be running the business?" Miss Campbell asked me.
"I'm not going to run the business. I'll always check in on it and I have the best people working for me and I trust them" I began to say. "I'm going to go university and get a degree teaching" I said smiling.
"You are?" Maggie and Miss Campbell said.
"Yeah. I don't know what i would of done without you two. You guys helped me a lot during school and I want to help students learn and get an education" I replied.
"That's great, honey" Maggie said.
"Yeah, it is" I replied. They both then hugged me.
"So what about you Donte?" Miss Campbell questioned Donte.
"I need to talk to Megan about that first" He replied. He then placed Charlotte into her car seat and picked it up and placed it in the table.
"You do?" I asked. "Why do you need to talk tonne about a job?" I questioned again.
"It's just that.." he said and the doors slammed open and I turned around getting distracted from Donte. I then noticed Jason walking towards me.
"Jason?" I said and began to walking over to him.
"I'm so sorry!" He said to me immediately. "Please, take me back. I love you" he said.
"Your making a bit of a scene, Jason" I then said.
"Please, Megan" he replied.
"How do I not know that you'll make the same excuse over and over again and then one day leave me" I said.
"I know I can't prove anything, but I promise you" he then said. "I don't break promises" he then said taking my hand. At this point everyone was starring at us.
"I don't know, Jason" I replied.
"Wait.." he said. He then went into his pocket inside of his suit and pulled out a box. He then went down on knee.
"Jason, what are you doing?" I asked.
"Proposing to the beautiful women and the worlds best mum" he said smiling looking up at me. "Megan will you marry me?" He then asked me. I kinda froze for a second... Do I want to marry Jason...?  Spend the rest of my life with him...?

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