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Sadly I did wake up and looked around to see that I was still on the kitchen floor.

The bleeding stopped from my hip, it didn't cut me much but more like skimmed the side. I slowly stood up using the counter for support, the house was empty thank god this is my time to escape I'm not backing down not today. I have had enough of the way my dad has treated me and I will not take it anymore.

I unclipped the collar from the lead and slowly made my way to my bedroom and started to pack the very few things that I had.

my dad must be on a mission and a big one as there isn't a sound or sight of any of the dogs, I did the code to open the window as it was locked as always but being here for as long as I have you kinda get the hang of how things worked.

I climbed out my window and onto the porch roof I jumped off that onto the ground. I ran like I've never ran before until I was out of the premises but I just didn't stop there I keep running until I was in the city.

I started walking and taking in the scenery even though it's dark and late but I don't know how late exactly. I continued walking until I bumped into something well actually more like someone.

I looked up and saw a tall guy. "Oh-uh I'm sorry I uh I wasn't looking where I was um going" okay why the fuck was I stuttering oh yeah that's right because I'm fucking scared of human interaction especially from people who are bigger than me.

"It's fine don't worry" he says smiling okay maybe I was wrong about being afraid of him he seems like a kind person I hope.

"Do you know what the time is?" I ask I mean I might as well considering its someone to ask "it's 1:36am" he simply replies woah it's late.

"How come your out this late?" He asks and I sigh should I tell him or not "I ran away" well I might as well I got nothing else to lose right now.

"What why?" he asks shocked "uh can I tell you somewhere else like a place more warm" I tell him as I'm so cold as the only thing I have on right now is a scruffy pair of jeans and a t-shirt.

He nods "Come back to mine and we can talk, oh I'm Jason by the way Jason McCann" he says "I'm J-Jus-stin B-Bieb-ber" I stutter and looks down ashamed of having my dads lasts name.

"Wait Bieber as in the criminal Bieber?" He questions even though my dad was here to be in hiding it didn't last long the cops are on him again. They haven't found where we lived unlike last time they found his gang hideout.

I sigh and nods "h-he's my d-dad but please d-don't runaway I'm n-not like him nor will I ever b-be" I stutter in panic I can't loose this chance of actually maybe having a friend again I just can't.

He looks at me like he's trying to think about if I'm telling the truth. "Okay you look no harm and I can tell by the way you're stuttering something is bothering you and you're telling the truth c'mon you can live with me and my family" he says and I sigh of relief.

"t-thank you s-so much" I stutter god I'm pathetic.
Woo Justin has escaped from his dad or has he...and finally Jason is in the story now.

Son Of A Criminal (BxB) (Jastin)Where stories live. Discover now