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Jason's POV

soon the cops arrive and I bring them inside. I sit on the couch and start explaining everything to them, how I found Justin, the way he acted, his sudden change and his last outburst before I called them here.

"So you mentioned he looked emotionless" one of the cops ask and I nod.

"It was like he didn't care about anything anymore, everything we had together was gone, he remembers it but the feelings were no longer there it killed me seeing the love just completely wiped out of him." I say on the brink of tears

"We've had reports of this from other cases, it's an illegal substance which will kill off emotions, so when they harm others they won't feel guilty. It's highly likely Justin has been injected with this stuff which would explain the lack of emotions he's showing towards you and the change of attitude." She explains and I nod.

"What I saw earlier wasn't my Justin, he was a monster and it was like he was proud, I want my Justin back I want my innocent cuddly clingy baby boy back" I cry and the cop holds me.

"We will get him back okay, he needs to be saved from the hell he's dealt with." She smiles.

"Can I come with please? When Justin sees all you guys he's gonna freak out and I need to be there for him" I explain.

"Jason I know you're worried but this is Jeremy Bieber we are dealing with I think it's best you stay here" she says.

"I think Jeremy knows where I live to be able to drop and pick up Justin from my house, what if he comes here and takes me?" I say thinking that it could be a possibility.

"Alright you can come but you must stay in the police car for the whole time" she says and I nod understanding.

Don't worry Justin we are coming to save you.

Justin's POV

One punch to the face turns into 10 then 10 into 25, 25 into 50.

My lip busted open, my nose probably broken and soon enough I'm coughing up blood.

"J-Jason save me!" I scream hoping he will soon come through the door to help me.

"Your precious little boyfriend won't be able to rescue you this time." My dad spits

He walks away grabbing a blunt knife. Pushes me onto my stomach and scratches down my back with the knife just enough pressure to cut the skin.

My head is spinning, I see a bright light coming my way then I see nothing at all.

Is this the end of Justin?

Will Jason save him in time?

Son Of A Criminal (BxB) (Jastin)Where stories live. Discover now