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Justin's POV

I watch as Jason's house slowly goes out of view and I smile.

"You love him" my mom said and I nod.

"Yeah a lot, he means everything to me" I say

"That's so sweet too bad it has to end" she says and I look at her

"W-what do you mean mom"? I ask worried

"You'll never see that boy again, you're such a gullible little shit"

She says as my eyes water.

"Mom, what's going on?" I ask hurt

"I'm not your mother. And you really think you could of escaped from Jeremy" he laughs and I feel my soul leave my body. This can't be happening. I go to grab my phone but I'm too slow she snatches it from my hand.

"Don't even think about calling your little lover boy. Other wise he won't ever see day light again and neither would his family and I'm sure you don't want that" she snaps and I nod.

"I promised I would tell him where I am and I'm home safe if I don't he will know something is up"

"We will let you text him, but only so he doesn't get suspicious, one little slip from you and his whole family will pay, understand" 
She says and I nod

"Who are you?" I ask knowing this can't be my mom.

"My name is unimportant to you, I work with your dad and that's all you need to know" she says

We soon arrive back at the old house and I cry as all the flashbacks to the horrible things which of happened to me here.

Then I see him, my dad and fuck he looks like he's in the mood for murder.

Sorry Justin- Carys

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