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Justin's POV

I keep walking and I soon see my dad, I get in slamming the door.

"I can't see Jason anymore" I sigh and my dad looks at me confused.

"Why's that son?" He asks me.

"I'm gonna hurt him and I don't want him to, it's best he stays away from me." I say as I feel my heart shatter.

"What have you done to me? Why can't I feel the love anymore, why can I only feel anger?!" I snap!

"What I've done is for the best" he says and I scoff.

"That's the biggest lie I've ever heard" I say rollin my eye.

"After everything I've done for you, you treat me like shit" he says and I can't believe this is what I'm hearing.

"Like what!? Starve me almost to death?, beat me until i feel like I'm taking my last breath? Force me away from my mom, force me out of school?! YOUVE COMPLETELY RUINED MY LIFE! And you want me to be thankful??" I scream at the top of my lungs.

"You're dead as soon as we get home" he threatens.

"Good hopefully this time you'll actually succeed in doing that after the countless times failure to kill me" I say and soon we arrive.

We get out and he picks me up dragging me into the house and up into my room, he chains me to the bed, taping my mouth shut too.

I close my eyes hoping Jason has listened to me.

Jason's POV
I write down Justin's address unsure of what to do. The look in his eyes told me to call the cops, he wasn't being sarcastic or trying to act like he didn't care. It was like he knew something I didn't and this is what he wanted.

I pick up for the phone and calls 911 closing my eyes and taking a deep breath. Soon the operator answers and I tell them I want the police.

"What's your emergency?" The woman on the line says.

"I think my boyfriend is in trouble, he's the son of Jeremy Bieber and I have an address my boyfriend gave to me" I explain and I hear a gasp and chaos.

"We will be right with you, what's your address? so the police and speak to you first before any action is taking" the woman says and I tell her, she soon hangs up and now I have to wait.

50 chapters- yes they have been short chapters but non the less I've still made it to 50.

Hope everyone has had a fantastic Christmas and if you don't celebrate it I hope you've had a wonderful day anyway- Carys

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