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Michele opens the box and starts taking stuff out as I just watch getting more scared with each thing she takes out.

Jason is standing next to me his right hand holding my left, and his left arms is rubbing up and down my left arm.

I will admit this is kinda helping me stay slightly relaxed. "Okay I'm going to start with your side as that sounds like a bigger issue even though both sound just as bad as each other." Michele says .

"Jason hold his shirt up for me slightly." She adds and I start feeling the fabric move up, I stay still just wanting this to be over. Suddenly I feel a burning feeling in my side and screams in pain.

"you said you wouldn't hurt me!" I cry out "calm down okay it just means that it's working and the cut is being cleaned." Jason tells me as my breathing gets heavy.

Michele then puts a bandage on my side then says. "Jason I trust you now to look after Justin okay make sure he doesn't move much and also remember he is our guest so please help him and do some things for him if he asks."

Jason nods and let's go of the shirt. "Justin turn around so my mom can do the same with your neck" he tells me and I do so, then his mom repeats the same with my neck and puts the stuff away.

I'm glad they haven't said anything about my scars on my arms or legs as I'm sure Jason and his mom saw the scars on my side too.

"Justin are you okay? you seem distance." Jason asks and I sigh "I-I'm fine" I stutter "let's go to my bedroom and discuss it as I can see that there are many things that you have bottled up" he says then starts walking upstairs.

before I follow him I thank his parents for letting me stay and helping me with the knife marks and bullet mark.

We walk into his bedroom and this time I look around properly taking in the detail, he has loads of trophies and medals from I'm assuming sport events and also some toys.

I look at one in particular its a little model of Thomas the tank engine,

(A/N shoutout to a friend of mine for the Thomas part.)

I can't help but smile as I used to watch it with my mom and dad when I was a kid back when everything was perfect.

"I uh I hope you d-don't mind me asking b-but how old are y-you?" I ask nervous I really hope the stuttering will go away soon.

"I'm 18 my birthday is on the 3rd September" he says "what about you?" He asks me "I'm 22 m-my birthday is on March 1st" I say and he looks at me surprised.

I guess he wasn't expecting me to be that much older than him. "Hmm just a bit over four years" he says amused.

"so Justin do you have a nickname" he says and I nod. "A f-few actually b-but I d-don't really want y-you to call m-me them" I say stuttering remembering all the nicknames my dad called me.

"Come here" he says and I move closer to him on his bed, he then hugs be tightly as I slightly smile I kinda like this, it makes me feel...safe and loved that was until he let go.

"Well what do your friends call you?" He asks.

"w-what friends? I d-don't have any I'm not allowed t-to have com-communication with anyone and I n-never had friends when I used t-to g-go t-to school, No one w-wanted to be friends with a mist-take I only had b-bullies" I stutter out feeling like I'm going to break down in tears any moment.

"You've never had an actual friend in your life" he says shocked and I think about it "ap-part from my mom and t-the teachers at school then n-no" I say.

"Well I'm your friend now and I don't know what your old nicknames were that you hate but I think I have one that you will like, how about jay?" He says and I smile then nods.

"I l-like it" I say "what about you do you have a nickname?" I ask "some friends call me jase so you can call me that just not jasey please don't call me that." He says and I nod

"Oh okay J-jase" I say and slickly giggles then covers my mouth.

"Don't hide your little giggles I've never met a guy who actually giggles, most guys think they are too manly for that." He says and that makes me giggle more.

Every one has their up and downs in their lives and I think the downs in mine are finally over and now the ups are starting.
Woo that's another chapter completed so Justin thinks his life is all gonna be sunshine and rainbows from now cute but it's not gonna last long just you wait.

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