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Justin's POV
After what seemed like forever we finally got back, we head into Jason's room where I just sit on his bed.

My mind is so clouded right now I didn't even notice Jason left until I heard him say he was back.

I look up and he has a cloth in his hand, my eyes widen he's gonna kill me he's gonna stop my breathing, but why am I freaking out no one cares about me.

"This might sting but it will be okay." He says and I nod just wanting my life to be over. But he doesn't put it over my mouth instead he puts it over my wrists which makes me wince.

"W-what are you doing?" I ask him.

"Healing down the redness in your wrists." He says smiling a little looking in my eyes.

Why can't he just kill me...
"Jason stop and just end it for me I'm too much of a failure to do it myself" I say bluntly.

"Justin for the last time you aren't a failure stop saying these horrible things about yourself it hurts me seeing you so sad and negative it's like everything has been drained from you" he says

"That's the reason, for me life isn't worth living I don't want to be alive anymore just fucking kill me!" I say getting stressed.

"Justin please stop you're hurting those who care for you" he says

"That means I'm hurting no one because no one cares and don't even say you do because you fucking don't I'm done living I can't take it anymore!"  I scream tugging at my hair and suddenly Jason's parents come running in.

"What is going on" Jason's mother asks.

"I want to die but Jason won't let me!" I say and breaks down crying and suddenly I'm being hugged by 3 people I'm stuck I'm trapped I can't move this only causes more panic for me as I cry harder until I start seeing black and my body relaxes into a deep sleep.

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