Part 7 [Iris]

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   Iris was all but completely unfamiliar with the Corvine language. He himself hadn't been apart of the diplomatic team that had initially met with the Corvines when they'd come with false intentions of peace so before the attack he had not had the chance to study their language, and afterwards, to come face to face with a Corvine meant capture or death. Even though one hundred years had come to pass with Corvines in power, Iris had completely avoided them up to this point. He only had contact with his own kind, mostly run away slaves that were torn and broken, no longer capable of caring for themselves so Iris cared for them in secrecy. If he'd wanted to, perhaps he could of had one of them teach him the Corvine language, but talking to them about their time in captivity was too painful, so Iris never brought it up. Iris did know the common tongue though, a language that had been chosen as a go-between language for all of the inhabited planets and moons within the quadrant for millennia. Not even that was required for Avaen people though, since they were a race that preferred to stay out of all interstellar politics, and unlike most sentient beings Avaens cared little for advanced technology in space travel.

Instead they advanced their knowledge of agriculture, medicines, and sciences that directly benefited the people. Their little home provided them with everything they needed, so when it came to trade, the only thing they really traded for were books and research from other worlds, which they could use to further their own knowledge. In all honesty, there wasn't much of a reason for Iris to learn the language. He didn't expect to live very long anyway. From the way the rest of his people were being treated, Iris didn't expect that his life would be anything but painful and short from that point on. It was the reason that he wasn't really afraid. He knew what to expect, and he knew that it was unavoidable, showing his captures his feelings wasn't going to save him, in anything it would only make things worse.

For now, while he wasn't being beaten or tortured, it was much easier to stay calm and surreal about the whole situation. How he would respond later was yet to be seen... but he tried very hard to keep his wits about him, it would be what Julius would want him to do. It was thinking of Julius that gave Iris strength to tread on, despite all hope being lost. Every now and again he could hear his lover's voice in the back of his head, reminded him of the important lessons that he needed to remember.

Even in absence, Julius was taking care of him, the memories of him helping to harden Iris' resolve. Iris continued to hold his gaze fixed on Lykaios, even when the other Corvine seemed to start pitching a fit like a child. Iris didn't understand the conversation, but he could guess the jest of it from the different tones of voice each involved person used. Iris was soft hearted and caring, perhaps even weak, if one only measured strength by a person's physical ability, but Iris was smart, and he analyzed people and situations almost flawlessly. It was that very deep understanding of people that made Iris care about them so deeply.

Even the Corvines were not beyond his pity. He'd heard bits and pieces of the story about their home world, and despite how much they had hurt his kind, Iris couldn't help but feel sad for them. His people were dying every day and suffering great pain, but even though their world was scorched badly, at least it was still in tact, and there was still hope that it could be restored someday. He imagined that it must have been incredibly lonely to live such a nomadic life, with no real place to call home.

He rubbed his wrists where the restraints had been, and of course Lykaios was right, trying to escape now would be stupid and fruitless. Even if he did manage to get away, they would just come after him, and he would only bring danger to any of his own kind that he tried to seek out. Iris didn't cater himself to any thoughts of freedom, though he had looked up at the sky one last time before climbing into the carriage, wishing more than ever that he could sore freely through the skies just once more. The thought of his wings being clipped and having that hope ripped away from him for the rest of his life was almost to sad to bare. Iris closed his eyes for a second when his face was touched, the gentle swipe removing the dirt from his skin and leaving a shiny spot of skin in its wake. Avaens had skin like porcelain, not only in color but also in texture, their pores small beyond sight and so soft that even dirt wouldn't really stick, and was easily wiped away without a trace.

He listened to Lykaios instruction, but he wasn't looking at him anymore, instead he stared off into space, his mind in another place for the time being, his teal eyes sad and thoughtful. "Yae..."[yes] Iris responded in a low and respectful tone. He wasn't thrilled about being banned from communicating from his own kind, but he had no choice but to be obedient, lest his actions cause problems for others of his kind that might be around him. Iris was not the least bit comfortable riding in the carriage. For a race that could fly, such transportation for people was ridiculous. The Avaens had carriages and such things for moving crops and goods, but they never rode in such things. Bumps in the road made him tense up, and even though his wings were mostly numb, he could move them a little bit, and did so, though was careful to keep his movements to a minimum as to not disturb the other.

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