Part 25 [Iris]

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Darkness was starting to become all that Iris knew. There was no difference between his waking moments and the moments when exhaustion and pain shut down the functions of his body and mind. There weren't even dreams to comfort him as he lay limp against the restraints his body was bound by. Iris had never thought of himself as having some deep rooted fear of the darkness, but he was quickly finding out that it was one of the most terrifying experiences of his life. Iris had known the fear of war and everything that went along with it. The fear of losing the people that he loved, the fear of being captured and restrained, the fear of dying slowly and painfully, but never had he imagined that being submerged in darkness was like this.

He couldn't know what or who else was in the room with him, and the fear of not knowing was more nerve racking than any of it. Though on some level, Iris felt like it had to be worse to be able to see what was happening to him, and even worse than that to be able to see the cruel delighted face of the one who was doing it to him.

There was a moment of peace in Iris' mind when he started to regain  consciousness, and for a split second he didn't recall where he was or what was going on. He could have been waking up beside Julez, back in the comfort of his own home, or perhaps out in the vast fields of white salis flowers that he loved so very much. For that moment, before he realized that the nightmare was not over, everything seemed fine, however as soon as the moment passed and Iris realized that his eyes were open, yet he still couldn't see anything he fell back into depression, sobbing quietly at the realization that this was his life now, and that the nightmare would never truly end. At the very least he could have hoped for some kind of break, but not even that seemed like a possibility anymore, and he wondered if Lykaios planned on continuing this way until he truly did die from the pain and mental anguish.

Iris wouldn't be an easy person to force into hardness. More so than most Avaens, Iris' ability to feel pleasure was deeply hardwired into his feelings, and by default also connected to the emotions of those close to him. So fondling him while he was knocked out or in great pain or distress, wasn't likely to gain much of a response from his sex organ. Not that it was impossible to turn Iris on when his mind was unwilling, but it would be tricky, at the very least.

He wasn't even allowed the time to think about what was happening to him when he felt something touching his very exposed entrance, causing him to squirm and whimper pathetically. It was then that he realized that he was on the floor now, his hands and feet restrained in a new position, but his mouth no longer being forced open by whatever strange object had occupied it before. Though his throat wasn't as sore as before, there was a tightness in his jaw from where it had been held open for such a long time. Other than that, for the time being anyway, he felt more or less physically sound, if not completely healed. It was hard for him to say if that was a good thing or not, perhaps his body wouldn't be completely torn into pieces, but he had the sinking feeling that Lykaios just wanted him healed so that he could rip him apart over and over, a thought that was more frightening than just remaining injured. Iris made low sounds of discomfort while he was fingered, though it wasn't exactly painful, all he could think about was how Lykaios had entered him before, fearing that it was about to happen again, thus making it impossible for him to feel pleasure to something that would have been pleasurable had it been a completely isolated experience.

However it was when Lykaios stopped and started walking around him that Iris felt the onset of panic, awaiting whatever torment the other male had planned for him, and crying out through muffled sobs as his face was grabbed and he had no choice but to swallow another load from his heartless keeper. He choked, tears running down his face once again as he fought to catch his breath. When he felt the hardness pressing against his ass again, all he could think of was the first time, and how much it had hurt. He barely even heard the personal questions asked of him, and had he been in a slightly less panicked state of mind, perhaps he would have been able to answer those questions, but as it were, the only thing that he could vocalize were his own soft pleads, quietly begging the other for mercy.

" please don't... not again..." Iris laid his face against the fold of his arm as he cried before anything was even done to him, knowing that there was no mercy to be given, and that he probably was going to die here, perhaps not physically like he would have preferred, but at least in the sense that the person that he used to be was going die, disappearing from the shell of his body that was to become nothing more than a life-size sex toy.

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