Part 42 [Julius]

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   Julius, for the most part stayed in sight most of the day. Though there were times when he would disappear without any explanation about where he was going or what he was doing. He was always like that though, and most didn't question the leader about his activities, assuming that it was probably something top secret and above their security clearance. What no one realized was, that it was above everyone's security clearance except his own. Much of the resistance was actually just for show, and had nothing to do with what Julius had up his sleeve. Everyone, and everything that they ever worked on was more or less a front, a cover for what was actually being planned, and a good way to spread a little hope to their people, since rumors of the resistance went far and wide around Altair. Which was a good thing because if the Avaens needed anything, it was hope. Hope was the spark that could change everything in an instance.

Apart from his secret activities, Julius also removed the black dye from his hair and wings, returning both to their original silver color. Julius wasn't exactly vain, but sometimes it was eerie to walk by a mirror and see his reflection with those dark colors that would always feel completely unnatural on him. He didn't have any need to go back to the surface for awhile, not with the crisis that was going on his own turf at the moment, so there was no point in looking like that. It was kind of late when Julius finished up his own investigations, gathering reports from others who were also investigating. He quickly found out that this wasn't just an accident, and it wasn't over yet either. Someone was definitely doing it on purpose, and they weren't done yet. However, they had yet to try to infect all of the compound. All in all it seemed more like a series of tests rather than an actual attack, something that made Julius frown deeply because it very well could be one of his own, attempting to develop something... though who knew what. It irritated him to no end not having a clear idea of who was behind all of this, but he was sure that the truth would come out eventually, and he had hope that this would actually help his secret intentions.

Julius stopped outside his door when he saw that it was left slightly ajar. His chest tightened and a frown formed on his lips at the thought of someone having broken into his personal space. With all the poisoning going on, did this mean that whoever was doing this, was going for him next? He couldn't stand the thought that someone under him was betraying him like this, after he'd been so careful about who he let in... Carefully, Julius pushed the door back, his hand resting on the knife that was strapped to his belt, ready to attack the uninvited intruder, only to take a deep breath when he saw who it actually was.

"'s you..." Julius said with a relaxing sigh as he walked into the room and shut the door behind him, flipping on the lights. Seeing that the boy was near the Starlight flower, Julius quickly went to retrieve it,

"Sorry, I was going to put this away, in case you decided to come over after all." With much care, Julius opened the hallway closet and set the plant on a shelf. It was something special to him, but it was also something that could possibly be very useful as well. Corvines seemed to hate the flowers, giving him a potential resource to cause those heartless bastards the suffering that they deserved. The only down side was the effect on the halflings, which admittedly, Julius probably wouldn't have cared about nearly as much if it weren't for having Taj in his life.

"It's been a pretty long day, how about a hot cup of tea?"
Julius asked, even though he was already going over to the mini-kitchen to start the water. His quarters were actually fairly small, especially compared to the house he owned on the surface. Julius actually didn't care for having a lot of unused space, so there was enough room for the things that he needed and wanted around him and that was about it, thus, the kitchen was actually part of the living room area, the bathroom and his bedroom being the only other rooms. There wasn't really a lot of things related to the resistance in his room, as most of that was kept locked up in his office or other secret areas.

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