Part 2 [Lykaios]

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Lykaios looked out of the carriage window as it was pulled by two now wingless Avaen slaves, his detestable brother Micah at his side. Another pathetic world with another inferior and pathetic race to conquer. This was the part that Lykaios hated most. After the thrill and glory of the first invasion came the tedious process of establishing a bloodline by systematic rapings of the natives. Lykaios much preferred the first landing. He derived joy out of encountering the native for the first time. More times than not they landed on some peaceful 'evolved' planet that had little to no way to defend themselves against the militarily inclined Corvines. The look of terror and despair as they realized their fates was always so delicious to Lykaios, the screams of the vermin as they died a sweet chorus. Lykaios never felt better than when he had the blood of his enemies and the innocent on his hands. It was the only time any real life came into his face which was otherwise impassive and stoic. His brothers often called him the 'ice prince' because he was both emotionally and expression wise cold. The only time emotions passed across his face was when he was causing pain to someone else. He was among the youngest of his brothers, but the older ones gave him a decent berth.

But the bloodshed and pillaging was over, and now began the arduous task of building a Corvinus empire. Their home world, Antares, one of the bright red stars of the constellation Scorpius, was no longer hospitable after a comet had passed through the cluster, bringing a strange sickness that had killed off many. That had been before Lykaios was born, when those that had survived had moved to Sargus, another star in the cluster. Lykaois had been born to one of the few remaining Corvine females who could carry children. Many of those that had survived were now barren if they did not succumb to sickness. So had begun the colonization of other planets and stars, led by a Corvinus male or group of males who spawned a line of succession to rule. Mating with native inhabitants was easier than terraforming which could take ages. Corvinus was the current ruling line, but any of the strong houses could adapt to even the most inhospitable climates for a period of time. Long enough to create sons and daughters loyal to the Corvines. Micah, the plumper than decent brother next to Lykaios, was one of the spawners who lived solely for the purpose of fucking anything impregnable and sometimes things that weren't. Lykaios begrudgingly did his duty and spawned one child per planet, but in truth he hated it.

Lykaios was an elitist and was not so starved for release that he deigned to put his prick in anything like his brothers. The natives were often than not weak of body and could not carry a Corvine child to term without dying in the process or before gestation was complete. Lykaios was especially rough with his lovers, not content to merely thrust a few times and be done with it. That was not how he got his pleasure, but few survived it. He usually took his time finding a specimen worthy of his seed. Or as worthy as these creatures could come. Micah's pet was already on its fourth child and Lykaios knew it would likely be the last, hence this excursion. The slavers had found another group of native survivors and Lykaios was going with his brother to investigate the catch and see if there was anything interesting.

"Would it kill you to show some enthusiasm? It will be time to move on soon and I know how much you like to be first in the fray." Micah said, his voice dripping with polite venom as he nettled his brother who didn't react, as usual.

"But you know the law." He continued with a smirk. "All warriors must have contributed to the line. And they are increasing the quote. At least two children."

That did cause Lykaios to twitch in annoyance, which gave Micah a thrill of pleasure. "You provide more than enough children for the stock. You're getting close to making up for all the native you didn't kill to pave the way." Lykaios said in a dry voice that got under his brother's skin. Lykaios made it no secret that people like his brother Micah that just came to fuck were pathetic freeloaders in his eyes. They risked nothing save exhaustion and sleeping in. Lykaios looked past his brother glaring hatred at him to the slaves pulling them. He did ache to see blood spilled over that silvery hair again, fear in those light eyes. Most of the Avaens had lost their wings as trophies, but Lykaios preferred his slaves to keep them. It was much more torturous for them to have the means of escape, but by their own fear or broken minds, be unable to use it.

As the slave house came into sight down the once glittering road, a shadow of a smile formed on Lykaios' face. He hoped Barto would have something good for him this time. Most of the stuff they pulled in were peasants and common folk, none of the once proud warriors or leaders. Those would be more likely to last and produce the require two children. Lykaios grimaced inwardly. Oh how his Avaen cow bitch would sing dearly for the disgrace Lykaios had to go through to get off their filthy planet.

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