Part 48 [Taj]

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Taj loved the way Julius shivered as he was touched and a naughty and forbidden thought crossed Taj's mind. He thoughe that he wanted to make Julius shiver like that more often, to lean into Taj's touch in just that way again. Taj also had the thought of what Julius would look like above him, bringing sweet heat to Taj's body as Taj ran his hands through Julius' hair. Taj had to bite the inside of his cheek to ground himself and was glad for the burning in his nose and throat to keep him from thinking too deeply into his fantasy. Not that Julius helped much by calling Taj 'my sweet'. Taj felt that go straight to his groin and he focused on the tea making in order to stave off his growing erection. Julius was unobtainable, he kept telling himself firmly.

Lykaios would not be overly pleased if Taj got romantically involved with the leader of the resistance. Or maybe he would, but Taj doubted he would like the pleasure his father his father would take from it or what he would do to glean that pleasure. Taj almost wished that Lykaios had been a worse father to him that Taj might say that his attraction to Julius was out of desire for a father figure that he lacked. But Lykaios had been nothing if not attentive, and Taj couldnt even say that he had suffered unjustly at his father's hands. So Taj's desires for Julius were pure lust and romantic affection, as well as respect. Taj watched as Julius put some drops of something in his tea before handing it to him. Taj sniffed it suspiciously, knowing that Julius would probably not try to poison him but mistrustful all the same. He took a sip and felt the burning ease almost immediately. He sighed in relief and cradled the cup in his hands, inhaling the scent and identifying the flavors as mint, hibiscus, some chocolate perhaps, and some other flavor that still eluded Taj. He was sure his father would know the flavor and be able to tell him. Lykaios was very good with subtle flavors in things and had taught Taj what he could about how the most miniscule flavors and amounts could make the difference.

Taj shivered himself when Julius touched his hair, biting his lip to stifle a moan of pleasure and to keep grounded.

“My fa...” Taj ineardly cursed at the slip of tongue but laughed softly as if he had caught himself saying something out of habit that he no longer had to. Indeed it was true to a point though calling Lykaios 'father' casually without a plan of how to cover it up was a sure way to get himself killed. The laugh gave him a few precious seconds to think of something to cover his tracks. He decided to stick to as close to the truth as possible.

“The Corvine that cares for my mother, I grew up thinking him my father in some ways and he allowed me to call him such until I learned the truth of their cruelty. So habits sometimes die hard. But that Corvine has an expansive collection of teas from many worlds. I have always associated the drink with him and so I was reminded of the collection and some of the flavors I had sampled, some with and others without permission.” Taj said with a mischievous smirk as he sipped his tea again. He had to be careful not to make it sound like he had too much freedom in Lykaios' home as such would have surely not been the case were Taj's story as true as he was trying to make it sound.

“I think you would like some of the flavors there.” Taj continued softly, glancing sideways at Julius and imagining he saw a look that said that Julius didn't quite by that what Taj was saying was all that had been on his mind or that it was all true. Taj looked away and decided, much to his embarrassment, to use his other thoughts to hopefully catch Julius off guard and distract him from any untruths he detected in Taj's story.

“ be honest, I was also thinking of a way that is perhaps rude and out of place.” Taj said, his cheeks blushing slightly as he suddenly found his tea very interesting.

“I was....I was thinking how I'd like to kiss you again...well, that's the more benign of things I was thinking I wanted to do with you.” Taj pushed forward, his tone growing softer the more he admitted. He was sure that he was out of line and that Julius was going to be offended that he talk to him that way so soon after Julius had lost the love of his life. But the more that Taj became aware of how close Julius was standing to him the more he wanted him, to touch and kiss him.

Taj's grip on his tea cup tightened in order to keep his hands still but it was quickly becoming a losing battle. Sometimes Taj had things that he became obsessed with needing to do or find out, unable to do much else until that curiosity or urge was satisfied. Lykaios had been very good about breaking Taj of that habit when he was around, but Lykaios was not here to assert his quiet authority and keep Taj in check.

So Taj gave up the fight, putting his tea cup down suddenly and turning to pull Julius' lips to his own. Taj felt it fair as Julius had attacked his lips suddenly earlier, so Taj was owed one act in return. But Taj, always one to take something a step further, deepened the kiss well past the gentle and relatively chaste kiss Julius had given him earlier. Taj's finger went into Julius' damp hair and his tongue slipped between Julius' unguarded lips.

Julius was taller than him, but the stool helped Taj get the extra few inches he needed to make it easier and pulle Julius close. Taj felt dwarfed by him still, even though Taj was the one initiating and they were closer to the same height in that moment. Still, Taj felt he had a few seconds to test his luck with the older male and his heart beat furiously at the breach of trust he was surely committing. But Julius' lips felt so good, his body felt so good, that Taj had a harder time stopping than he had starting. Part of him almost hoped that Julius would push him forcefully away and set him back on track.

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