Part 17 [Lykaios]

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"Not the end of my life, only the surrender of my will." Lykaios still recalled the answer he gave to Iris' question about his fear. Death, as the cessation of life, was not something Lykaios particularly feared. He faced it all the time, on the battlefield, in traveling from planet to planet, in encountering the different peoples and environments. Lykaios knew that some day his life would end, by one means or another. It was not that prospect that filled him with disgust and fear. It was the idea that he would welcome it. That he would willingly cease fighting to live, to be himself. Lykaios could think of no greater hell than to sink so far into despair or loneliness or sickness, that one, not so much decided to die, as didn't care to live. Even a planned and executed suicide was better than laying down and giving up. Had Iris faced Lykaios and death with the fierce determination of one fighting a battle, Lykaios might have had admiration for him. But Lykaios had felt the undercurrent of Iris' emotions and it was despair, giving up, an apathy that was fueling his words, not a sense of honor and self-worth. Lykaios would not let the Avaen die like that. To do so would be in contradiction of his entire quest.

Lykaios looked up at the face before him, reaching up to touch the frosted dark curls of the woman before him. At first glance one would have taken her for a half-breed. Dark wings spread from her back in a half furl, frozen such that it looked as if at any moment she would take flight. The woman, of pale caramel skin, sat in prayer, her hands folded in the sign of life and peace before her. Her head was slightly bowed and her eyes almost completely shut, though one could see the teal iris' flecked with orange. Soft frosty flurries fell around her, keeping her in such suspended animation. Lykaios knelt before her, his hands gentle as he stroked her face. He could still hear her words to him.

"Don't cry Kika. Everything will be alright."

"I'm not crying" And indeed there were no tears on his cheeks.

"Kika, you mustn't cry for me. You mustn't cry so." A pause. "You wonder how you will get on without me. You are a world conqueror now Kika. You were never meant to stay here. This was never a place for your depths and your mind. I have held you back long enough. You must find now where you truly belong. Kika, please, do stop crying so."

"I'm not crying." He repeated softly, his voice still cold and impassive.

"How will you find your place without me? I am not leaving you Kika. Nothing can be done about my sickness, you know that, but I will always be with you. If I am such a light for you, you will find me again on another world, another time. Dry your tears Kika. I accept the inevitable, and take comfort that it will set you free."

"Is this were I am to be mother?" Lykaios asked the frozen woman softly as he gazed at her, the barest trace of affection in his eyes. "Is this your sign that I have found the last piece to cure you?"

The search for a cure for the disease, called Azure, had long been abandoned by the Corvines on the centuries. Despite concerted efforts to find a way to combat the disease, it defied medicine and maintained its 100% fatality rate. Some Corvines, like Lykaios, were mysteriously immune to the disease. But by some cruel trick, their immunity could not be synthesized and harnessed as a cure. The same rare genetic structure that made him more pure and stronger than his Corvine brothers, also made him sit and watch helplessly as his mother grew sicker and sicker, while he remained strong and healthy, no matter his attempts to contract the same disease. The doctors had all but given up, so had his mother, to the point where everyone just hoped to avoid coming in contact with the disease again. But Lykaios would not sit idly by and let the blue that crept through his mother's veins take her from him and steal her life away. It disgusted him how it had changed her, made her weak and resigned. Death, for Lykaios, was like a tax collector that you evaded as much as you could until one day they found you. It was not to be invited in like a friend of old. Unlike the other Corvines who wished to break their pets into wishing for death and grinding them into the dirt, Lykaios forced them to want life.

It was something only his mother ever saw in him. He had thought her perhaps mad at one point, delusional and hoping for things that weren't there. Rare was the time where she would call his emotions as they appeared. She found motives and feelings behind his actions that no one else would ever believe. She was the only one who saw him to his core, and he believed she was the only one that ever would. He was cruel to be sure, and took pleasure in causing that pain in others by ever more inventive means. But it was his mother that had known the reason why, that had felt in him that feeling he kept hidden so well even from himself. She had known his truth and it was because of this that he had come back from an ice moon in the Aquarius Constellation with a serum to make her as she was now. Lykaios closed the white door at the end of the hall and locked it back as it was so that none but he could enter. He could hear the new Avaen singing, and it was not an unpleasant sound. He let it continue for now, though in the future he would likely punish Iris for it. He would remake Iris anew as something worthy of life and the wings on his back.

Over the four days Lykaios held Iris in his room, Iris was subject, not just to sound of punishment, but also pleasure. Occasionally, soft sighs and moans of pleasure would filter through the grates. Most often from Tajma, but also from the other Avaens, even Kit. Kit was distinguishable by his quick and nervous sighs and moans, belying his youth. It was an oscillation of extremes, for the sighs of pleasure were not tortured and begrudging sighs, torn forcefully from unwillingly lips. Iris would soon learn how very different the fear and suffering felt in Lykaios's home from elsewhere. On the fourth day, there was something laced in Iris' food. Kit had blocked Iris' thoughts from his own after that first time, fearing the breach in rules would get them both in trouble and so serving to heighten Kit's anxiety rather than soothe them as Iris had undoubtedly intended. When Iris was in a haze, unable to resist or cause issues, one of the male Avaens, Callid by name, slipped Iris' arms in a leather backwards arm restraint which bound them under his wings. A center ring on the restraints connected to a ring in the ceiling, lifting Iris several feet off the floor. His wrists were connected to restraints on his ankles that put him in a hog-tied position in mid air, the straps on his legs long enough to allow a spreading of his legs and access to his private areas. An open mouth gag was placed in his mouth and he was left in pitch black darkness and absolute silence for a day until the drugs completely wore off.

Lykaios stood in the darkness, able to see Iris clearer than day. He was standing completely still, his breathing matched to Iris' so it would not give him away, his emotions silenced as he watched Iris. Kit had told Lykaios about Iris' meditations and doings in the past few days. Lykaios did not intend to let Iris slip his mind into some far off place and disconnect from his body. Using his stealth, Lykaios waited until he felt Iris coming back to himself a bit, still groggy and disoriented, before moving behind him. First came the claiming of Iris's body. Without warning or lubrication, Lykaios spread Iris' cheeks and pressed his hard erection to the puckered hole. He pushed against the resistance, smiling despite himself at the tightness of the hole when the skin yielded. Lykaios could feel Iris' body tensing up, resisting the intrusion, but Lykaios pushed on until he filled Iris to the hilt. He paused a moment, to give his body more than Iris' a moment to adjust to the tightness and the feeling of filling Iris, before he began to thrust. Iris' pain washed over Lykaios in pleasant waves and he changed his thrusts to feel the change in the pain, fear, and humiliation. Lykaios could feel his dick becoming slick with Iris' blood, warm and slightly sticky, allowing him to move more quickly in Iris until he came the first time.

Another feature of Corvine biology and physiology, was that they had three, stacked orgasms. The first was almost invariably devoid of any sperm and partially served the purpose of pre-cum for the Corvine, but also as a preparatory agent for the recipient, working to slowly make them hospitable to Corvine sperm. The second orgasm had some sperm in it and was more pleasurable than the first and provided more of the sticky liquid. But it was the third and last of the orgasms that generally got the recipient pregnant and which was full of the strongest sperm. After the first orgasm Lykaios pulled out of Iris slowly, blood dripping a bit on the floor as he came around to Iris' face and slid the bloody and sticky cock into Iris' mouth, held open by the gag. Lykaios cleaned his cock on Iris' tongue, his hand in Iris' hair, holding it still as he thrust deep into Iris' throat. He intended to shoot his second load down Iris' throat and make sure he drank every last drop.

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