Part 31 [Lykaios]

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Lykaios sat on the edge of the bed, stroking Iris' hair softly as he listened to Iris' emotions calm, at least on the surface. It intrigued Lykaios that the drug didn't affect Iris completely and calm him thoroughly. His other pets went completely tranquil with the drug, docile and compliant. Lykaios was not upset by the development, in fact it made him value Iris even more. It was becoming apparent that Iris was different from the others and would amount to something more than a convenient servant and vent for his occasional lusts. Iris had a deeper emotional capacity and range, he was intelligent and strong willed.

Lykaios smiled to himself at the finding he had made. He kissed Iris' temple softly, his thumb brushing Iris' hair line. "I know right now you are in pain, confused, angry, afraid, and in despair, but do not lose all hope my beautiful one. Just as I will uncover the different layers of you, finding the strength and fearlessness buried within you, you will find that I am other than you think." 

If Iris was as Lykaios thought anyway. The others had gotten to a point where they understood at least that Lykaios was a source of protection and security more than a tormentor and rapist. However they still held a healthy fear of Lykaios and did not understand his depths and motivations. They could only understand the predictable pattern, but if Lykaios deviated from what they expected, from the cycle of housework, sex, occasional errand, they became afraid and confused again. As such Lykaios could not let them too close, could not open himself to them. Of course, there was always a certain distance he would keep from them as Avaens and beneath him. But there was a certain intimacy he would allow out of necessity and his own idleness. Lykaios considered himself far superior to other races and even many in his own race, but provided they did not stand in his way or presume to think themselves as more important than he made them, he was more or less alright with them. It was like someone wealthy walking down the normal street. One did not have a problem with the less rich people that passed by, provided they didn't bump into you or talk to you.

The pets that Lykaios took in he viewed as something slightly out of the realm of normal hierarchy. He viewed them as above the dewinged Avaens and ones that were not his own, and even above some of the lower Corvines he knew. It was hard to describe how he felt about them really. They were lowly because they were pets and Avaen, but they were precious to him as he had molded them and they had a spark the others lacked. It was a weak spark, but it distinguished them from the others, from the ones who's minds and emotions are banal. Despite their fear of him, they had a will to live, a will not to be pushed into the dirt and ground into the dust. They would not truly break. Iris, Lykaios believed, was like that. Given to a typical Corvine, Iris would've likely suffered greatly and despaired, been brought incredibly low, but he wouldn't have broken, he wouldn't have been beyond repair.

As Lykaios looked down at him now, felt his resistance to the drug, he knew that to be true. That strength, that resistance in the face of a life of torture and rape, was a turn on for Lykaios. He felt the warmth of his desire spreading through him, but he didn't vent them onto Iris, not yet. Instead he pulled the cover up under Iris' chin, kissing his forehead again as he rose. He closed a shackle around Iris' ankle with enough give that Iris could walk to the small privy corner and back to the bed. He would give Iris more freedom as the days went, if he was good, and eventually he would give him his own room and play room. For now Iris would stay in this starter room until he was ready. Lykaios made sure the tag on Iris' ear would warn him if Iris was feeling suicidal, stroking his hair once more. "Don't disappoint me. Don't give up. I'll bring you some food." Lykaios said before leaving out.

Lykaios locked the room door and went back upstairs, feeling in a generally good mood and relaxed. The other pets were going about their duties, cleaning and the like. He went into the kitchen were a plate of food for Iris was prepared, comprised mostly of fresh vegetables and fruits, some native to the planet and others that Lykaios had imported. He picked up a prickly fruit and sliced it open carefully, setting it on the tray.

"How is Kit?" Lykaios asked the Avaen in the kitchen, not looking up from his task. 

"Tajma or one of the others is taking him flying to air his wings, Master." The Avaen said and Lykaios nodded and dismissed them. He would take dinner a little later.

"Master" It was Tajma this time as Lykaios turned to her. He had always liked Tajma's bluish coloring. Much like Iris, the color gave him good memories with his mother and at the same time brought him anger and sadness.

"What is it?" He asked, his voice impassive. "There is a message from my son, Master." Tajma held out the letter, including the part Taj had written exclusively for her. Lykaios glanced at them without really reading them and handed them back to her for her to keep. He knew how precious the letters and Taj was to Tajma. It addition to the requirement, it had been a way for Lykaios to ensure Tajma's loyalty and show her he was different from those that had tormented her before. That he treated her well and had her loyalty ensured Taj's as well. Lykaios looked over the report as he took the fruit and vegetables down to Iris. He paused at the part about the mate mark and teal eyes. He detoured from his path and to his room where he kept a coded journal of the important things Taj reported to him. There. Lykaios felt himself smirking in amusement. How very interesting. So that was Iris' other half.

The door to Iris' room opened and Lykaios returned with a tray of food and some water for Iris. Lykaios sat on the other side of the bed, putting the plate down. "It's not poisoned, I promise." Lykaios told Iris as he took a piece of food and ate it himself to prove it. He gazed at Iris a few moments, adjusting his goals and plans given the new information he had.

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