Part 47[Lykaios]

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The reaction of most, if not all, Avians, especially those with their wings, was to protest being put on their backs. Most felt an automatic sense of panic and discomfort that elicited a struggle to at least have their backs facing the open air so that their wings were no longer trapped. But Iris did not struggle against being put on his back, but instead accepted the new position with no physical attempts to free himself. Lykaios found this interesting, especially given the large amounts of discomfort that were rolling from the Avian. Iris was very clearly not broken yet, at least not to the stage where he neither cared nor was really aware of the position and state of his body. Yet it seemed that Lykaios, with the simple announcement that he knew of Julius and had plans, had instilled some measure of fear that kept Iris from reacting. When Iris, though stiffly, attempted to kiss Lykaios back, Lykaios felt his curiosity grow. This was an unexpected turn of events that he would most assuredly use against Iris, but which made Lykaios question the Avian's motives.

Lykaios could think of a few different reasons why Iris was holding back his physical rejection of Lykaios, and all came back around to Iris trying to either placate or deceive Lykaios into such a state that Iris could either escape or undermine Lykaios' plans. Lykaios defaulted to the former for the simple reason that Iris did not know his plans and if he did probably would try less hard to stop them. Iris would find soon enough that escape was impossible, and Lykaios would find the Avian's motives out soon enough. There were ways to test such theories and Lykaios would undoubtedly put Iris through them all. But this was the stage were Lykaios tested that resolve in Iris to reject everything that was happening and the pleasure he was feeling. Mind to body was one causal pathway, and one that many worlds and species held to an ideal and as supreme. But body to mind was the other side of the coin and a much stronger one given the right stimuli. For one could not control their entire mind and marshal all the synapses and instincts ingrained since before birth. But the body could exert even the most subtle of influences on the mind, changing thought and action with something as simple as food choice. The mind could only struggle feebly in the wake of the body's reactions and moods, before it too would succumb. Iris' disgust was already being undermined by his own voluntary actions to cater to Lykaios, which would make his conquering all the quicker.

When Iris replied to Lykaios' comment in Corvine with a fluency that Lykaios did not expect to be achieved in such a short time, Lykaios was surprised. This thrilled him at the same time that it forced a mental note to be more cautious, as the Avian was a quick learner. That could be both a help and a hindrance to the Avian and Lykaios if applied in the right ways. The others had never taken to learning, especially given the circumstances, the way that Iris had, though Lykaios had never thought the species stupid by any means. The reaction Iris had to receiving the book and having it taken away made Lykaios think that it was a tool with which Iris hoped to preserve his sanity. Of course, Lykaios had no intentions of letting Iris escape into his own world when he wished. That Iris found books a pleasure just meant that Lykaios now had a ready tool of punishment and reward on file when he was no inclined to use the sexual variety. Iris' feelings towards books were shelved in the back of Lykaios' mind as he turned his focus to Iris' feeling of pleasure and discomfort, with every intention of showing the Avian that resistance in all its learned forms, was futile.

He chuckled low in Iris' ear at his comment even while his tongue licked the rim of it and nipped the lobe, amused by the sass the Avian was giving him even in this circumstance.

"Low Corvian is indeed such, but it is foundational and only the royals are allowed to speak High Corvian." Lykaios replied in the same language though his tongue was not so clumsy and gave it a much more fluid and soft edge than Iris' attempts. As he spoke, his warm breath tickling the flesh on Iris' neck, and Lykaios' hand continued to stroke Iris' erection, teasingly brushing the tip where it was most sensitive.

"But what masquerades as brutality and coarseness, hides the most subtle and delicate of intricacies." Lykaios said, reverting back to the common tongue. "Our tongue has many hidden layers, many pitfalls for those who dismiss it so casually."

Lykaios's hand wrapped firmly around Iris' cock and began to stroke him at a measured pace aimed at heightening Iris' arousal but not giving release.

"We have many different tones and words to convey even the most clandestine and ambiguous of emotions. Allowing them to find their voice in our tongue." Lykaios' hand released Iris' throbbing member and moved down to his balls again, massaging Iris' balls before his fingers slipped further south. A soft smile played on his lips as he spoke and heard the involuntary noises Iris was making to his actions. If Lykaios didn't have the insight into the other's emotions he would have said it was a noise of pure pleasure.

"Just as I, who seems brutish to you now, will allow those sequestered feelings of physical pleasure release and help you to convey yourself more honestly. Already you have begun as the still repressed of your kind would fight me more than you are. Oh, I sense the disgust in you, the fear, but those are just covers and excuses for your deeper feelings that you are only dimly aware but which I feel so clearly." Lykaios told him as his finger slid between Iris' butt cheeks and pressed against Iris' entrance teasingly, before softly applying pressure and allowing Iris' body to take it in slowly.

"You see, the drug I have given you does not add anything that was not already there. It merely brings the hidden to light and makes you more aware of what it is you truly feel. It does not stop your will in the least. So you could've fought, as is your prerogative, or you could've protest in some way if you fear I may react harshly to your struggling. But instead you kiss me in return, offer your body to me as I wish it, and even now wiggle your hips in order that I may bring you more pleasure. Surely, if you truly wished it, someone who has mastered the basics of Corvine enough in only a few short hours to talk back, can also muster enough mental fortitude to resist a drug that effects only the body." Lykaios pointed out gently as he stroked Iris' prostate with a slender finger before his lips and tongue slid down Iris' body, seeking those hidden troves of pleasure. His other hand took hold of Iris' length and began to stroke it in time to the strokes to the prostate.

"The simplest conclusion we can come to, especially given that I have done far less to you than the others before they got to this stage, is that you actually enjoy this." Lykaios continued his actions until Iris was forced to orgasm, spilling sticky semen over Lykaios' fingers. Lykaios held up the liquid evidence, even as his hand pulled from Iris only to go back to stroking the still hardened member. Lykaios rubbed Iris' semen over Iris' lips before forcing the finger between them so that Iris could taste his own fluids.

"The evidence is irrefutable my sweet. Even now I can feel arousal growing in you from sucking your own juices from my fingers." Lykaios purred with a soft smile before kissing Iris tenderly on the lips.

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