Part 4 [Lykaios & Micah]

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The slave house reeked to the stars with the smell of unwashed flesh, excrement, and suffering. Lykaios inhaled deeply while his brother held a scented cloth over his nose like the soft faggot he was. A real warrior would not hold their nose the way Micah did and show such softness and weakness. To Lykaios, the only thing offensive about the smell was the fact that the Avaens' must smelled like those damnable flowers that Lykaios had made sure the planet was rid of as soon as he could. He had a strange aversion to them and overexposure made him ill. A fact, of course, that he had kept well under wraps and which was hidden by the general plundering and destruction of anything the Avaens could find peace and solace with. But even coming from the broken and suffering Avaens the smell was sweet and pleasing to Lykaios. A faint hint of a sneer passed his lips as Micah walked in before him, Lykaios detecting almost a waddle in his walk. Disgusting farthuk(pig).

As Micah walked ahead, commenting on the fragileness of the Avaens and how they had fallen, Lykaios let is mind tune out his brother and wander back to the first days again. People like Micah who had come in after it was all over frequently saw the Avaens only as weak fuck toys to be beaten and raped until they collapsed and were thrown into a pit to rot. While Lykaios did his fair amount of torturing and violation, his was with an understanding and respect most did not have. Though ultimately useless, the Avaens had fought valiantly and were ranked among Lykaios' favorite natives to have conquered. They were still pathetic as compared to Corvines, but had been a joy to fight and kill. Even now they presented a challenge to Lykaios that only those like him who patiently watched and took note noticed. But Lykaios didn't bother to explain to his brother how futile his efforts to attain a new whore would be. His lot would never successfully seed Altair.

Micah looked back at his younger brother, wanting to wipe that chiseled look from his face. What Micah wouldn't give to have Lykaios beneath him as he had his Avaen whore every night. To make the boy scream out in pain and cry beautifully into the night. Micah had no plans to endure one more world with him and would see to it that his little brother stayed on this world, one way or another. Someone had to take the fall when this planet failed. And Planets did fail every now and then. Sometimes the natives succeeded in rebelling and expelling the Corvines, rare but it happened. Sometimes the efforts to breed didn't work and the planet was left barren. At such points a Corvinus was selected to take responsibility and died as the scapegoat. Altair was proving hard to keep hold of and the halfbreeds hard to control and keep loyal. It was only a matter of time. For now Micah was content to look for another sow to sew his seed in or just to wet his dick with. Perfumed cloth over his nose, he gazed into the cages hungrily at the cowering and wingless Avaens.

Lykaios walked past the cages of already broken pets and slaves that Micah eyed to where the group gathered at the back. The sound of his military boots echoed off the walls in measured steps that made everyone look up and over at him.

"Barto, it wouldn't be the case that you are trying to sell, what is likely the only decent piece of merchandise, off to someone else besides me are you?" Lykaios asked in a tone that could be mistaken for true curiosity but which none of the Corvines there were stupid enough to think was. All bowed their heads to the prince and Barto groveled to the floor.

"Of course not my Prince. I was just showing them the good stock we save for those such as your highness and that it was not for sale to any other."

Lykaios walked closer and kicked Barto over casually with a boot and pressed the heel of it against his temple, crushing him against the floor painfully. "Ah, that's what I thought I heard you say. We had that conversation last time I was here after all." Lykaios reminded him as he removed his heel from Barto's face, revealing a reopened gash that had been Lykaios' gift some times ago. The other potential buyers found their interest gravitating elsewhere as Barto got to his feet and shakily present the winged Avaen to Lykaios.

Apart from the fact that it had its wings, Lykaios was not impressed at first glance. The Avaen was dirty as most in the slave house were, and seemed too thin. It must have been of a healthy weight when it was captured as it was not as weak as the others. Lykaios had Barto open the doors, ignoring the man's warnings and casually back-handing him across the face when he persisted foolishly.

"Finally found a sow worthy of your pamper prick have you?" Micah asked as he came over to see what had caught his brother's interest. Lykaios ignored him as always as he motioned the Avaen to stand. Up close the Avaen was a much better specimen. Lykaios' eyes traveled over him dispassionately, noting that the man had some remnants of muscle and so could probably fight. His wings were a decent size and Barto confirmed that the male was likely a carrier due to his smaller size than other males they had brought in before. But two things drew Lykaios to Iris. One was Iris' eyes which were the color his mother's had been when she took ill and died. They were a beautiful color that Lykaios similarly hated. The other thing was the rose shaped mate mark on his ankle. The mark looked vaguely familiar to Lykaios but he couldn't place it and gave no indication that he had recognized it.

"Your name." Lykaios demanded of the Avaen.

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