Part 45 [Iris]

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   Iris feared Lykaios for a multitude of reasons. The more obvious fears were ones that all intelligent beings would have, like being afraid of going back into that dark room to be restrained and harmed in ways that his gentle mind could not possibly imagine. That frightened him greatly, Iris was quite refined when it came to imagination, his always being particularly vivid. However, he couldn't even start to be able to come up with what sort of evil things would be done to him next. He just knew that he didn't want it to continue, didn't want his mind or body to be broken by such barbaric means any longer. That thought alone made it much easier to do whatever Lykaios commanded him, so long as it wouldn't result in the pain and suffering in others, Iris would do whatever he was told.

Though Lykaios had a mind that Iris simply couldn't understand, even though Iris could feel his emotions and felt them in turn, there were limits to his empathy that stopped him from ever fully understanding the point of cruelty or the desire to harm others. However the threat of pain and suffering wasn't the thing that scared Iris the most, it was the idea that Lykaios might not keep his word, which seemed more likely than not. Though lying wasn't exactly an emotion, and that had always been Julius' thing, not his, so he would just have to make his decisions very carefully and pray that there was some honor in his owner's heart.

As the injection coursed through his veins, it's effect only got stronger and stronger until his member was harder than it had been in a very long time. Iris had always had something of a 'hard to get' persona, in that it took a lot to get him worked up sexually, especially if he was focused on something that he thought was important or interesting. Before the war, it had been a game of Julius' to come around while Iris was deep in thought and completely focused on whatever task he had at hand, and do everything in his power to get Iris turned on and abandon his work. That had never been an easy task, even for Julius who had known everything there was to know about Iris' body and what got him going. This was completely different from that though, because his body was turned on, but his mind was a cloud of disgust with himself and anxiety over being taken advantage of in his forced state of arousal. For him there was nothing the least bit sexy or appealing about being hard without it being emotionally triggered. Iris' true arousal came from his mind, it was the psychological pleasure that made sex enjoyable and was the one true pathway to getting Iris worked up on his own.

Iris could have cried when he ran his fingers across the bound cover of the book left for him. How long had it been since he's held a complete book that wasn't ruined or mostly torn to shreds in his hands? He couldn't remember, but it was a beautiful thing and without even thinking about it he whispered out a very low, almost undetectable whispered 'thank you', before putting one hand up to cover his mouth in an attempt to steady his emotions and keep him from spilling more tears in front of Lykaios. The Corvine probably thought that he was stupid for finding joy in something so simple as being allowed, or rather ordered, or read a book, but in that moment Iris didn't care about how he it looked, he was just happy for the brief moment of escape between the covers of some reading material. Iris quickly abandoned all thoughts of food, discomfort, and the impeding session of torment that was most likely going to happen whenever Lykaios came back and opened the cover of the book to start reading it. He was glad for the moments left alone, even if it wasn't going to last very long. By the time that Lykaios came back into the room, Iris was already on his second reading of the book, and more than half way though the second reading at that.

He was disappointed when he was taken away from his short lived enjoyment that came from reading and found himself being pressed against the bed by Lykaios' imposing body. It was uncomfortable to be forced to lay on top of his wings, but he did his best to deal with it instead of protesting, knowing that it would only make things worse for him to struggle. It was hard for Iris to respond to Lykaios' kiss because of how repulsed he was by the idea of kissing this man that had done unspeakable things to him, but he didn't want to make Lykaios angry for no reason, so he forced himself to move his lips, trying but failing to not be too stiff about it and he nearly choked when he felt the other male's tongue forced its way into his mouth.

"That Corvine is every bit the brutish language that I imagined it would be." Iris replied in Corvine, not perfect but not bad considering he'd only just started. Iris was a historian by trade, or at least he had been, and learning other languages was naturally a big part when learning the cultures and histories of other races, even Avaen history which had it's own ancient tongues to decode.

Iris begrudgingly moved his head to the side to offer Lykaios greater access to his neck. His body was hot and responded to the attention with the help of the drugs given to him, but his mind was filled with shame and personal disgust. Though his body didn't agree, mentally Iris wasn't enjoying any of this. He wished badly that he could tell the other to stop, but he had a feeling that the backlash of saying such a thing out loud would be far worse for him. He let out a small whine when his private parts, though they weren't so private anymore, were touched. The touch felt like liquid fire running through his veins, burning him from the inside out. He had to remind himself that there was nothing left for him, and that making it through all of this was the only option that he had left. His body betrayed him though, and his hips leaned into the attention almost completely without Iris' will. His mind was begging for an end, but his body begged for release.

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