Part 1 [Iris]

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W-What's going on?

There was no sound to be heard. It were as though the world had been set to mute. How long had it been like this? Shouldn't there be sound? Shouldn't he be able to hear the sound of the rolling waves crashing against the nearby beach? Or the sound of birds or the wind blowing in the trees? He looked around, and he knew that he was alive because he could still see the purple and grey hue of the sky above. So beautiful and tranquil. Something wasn't right though, he felt as though he were outside of his own body, watching the world around him as though he were a ghost floating in the breeze, unable to move, unable to do anything to change the outcome of what was to come to pass. Everything was just as it had been before. The land was covered with fresh green grass and various flowers and other planet life. If you watched long enough, a small rabbit-like animal would go skipping across the field. Paradise, that was what Altair had been like...before...before what? He could barely even recall his own memories. In that moment all he could think of was the scent of lilacs. There were so many, it was hard to tell if there was even any grass amongst it all.

How many hours had he spent just laying out in the fields? Perhaps a lifetime? He remembered so clearly the unique scenery of the evening sky, half of it filled by dull yellow light from the system's star, and the other half taken over by the gaseous planet that Altair revolved around. Even in the middle of the day, the lighting was soft, as though the whole moon were stuck in a permanent state of twilight. Normally, whenever Iris laid out in these meadows he could hear the gentle sway of music that came from the nearly city of Dinalt. Tall buildings that appeared to be made of pure silver lined the skyline, sparkling brightly at all hours of the night and day. It was one of many such grand cities on the moon, yet there was never even the slightest sign of smog or pollution. Avaen's were a race well aware of the needs of the moon, always careful to never take any action that might bring any harm to their beautiful home.

Iris felt an overwhelming sense of tranquility wash over him, however just like the waves of the ocean that feeling was gone just as quickly as it had came, replaced by darkness, as though he'd closed his eyes suddenly though he couldn't remember actually doing so. He was unsure if this were reality or simply a dream. Though if it were a dream, it was the most intense dream of his existence. Slowly his eyes began to open. He could see two figures standing in front of him, though everything was fuzzy, he couldn't make out their faces right away.


The first thing that he saw were those unforgettable eyes that were the exact color of sapphires. He was nearly twenty years older than Iris, but age was not something that Avaen's worried about when it came to choosing a mate of the rest of their lives. Not only that, but Julius was Iris' own brother by blood. That too, was not uncommon, there was no such taboo for their people. In fact it was quite common for brothers to become lovers, especially if they were close as children like Julius and Iris had been. If it was meant to be then it was meant to be, and that was that and Iris he would never settle for anyone else. He could see his mate's face staring down at him and he even recognized the uniform of the Royal Guard that his dear Julez never seemed to take off. He looked so handsome in it too.

Iris was just about to embrace the other as Julius suddenly pushed him away, yelling at him. What was he yelling? Iris couldn't hear what the other was saying...Run away...? But from what? In an instant the sky turned completely black, only to be lightened again by balls of fire that came down from the sky like rain. He could hear everything now, the fires burning the beautiful cities to the ground, the sound of his people screaming and dying all around him. He couldn't find Julius. Where had he gone? Iris was in a panic, his whole world was spinning so fast that he felt too dizzy to even move his feet. The feeling of bliss was replaced with one of fear and doom. He just knew that he was going to die, and that he was never going to see his loved ones again.

Iris was pulled from his dream turned nightmare by the sound and the pain of a whip cracking across his naked back, ripping out several dirt covered white feathers and leaving a rather deep red gash down his spine. He screamed in agony, seemingly from the physical pain, however it was more-so from the pain of dreaming about the events that came to past nearly one hundred years ago. It was the last time that he ever saw Julius. Ever since then Iris has been on the run, trying to help his own people to regroup. He could never say that he was much of a warrior though, he'd been a scholar to his people, Julius had always been the stronger and braver of the two. Deep down Iris knew that eventually he would fail. He was just glad to of been able to help as many as he could from capture.

Teal green eyes were turned down to the ground, long silver hair tangled and dragging over the ground. He tried as hard as he could not to look at those that had done this to his home. He'd been stripped of his clothing and shoes, left with nothing but a simple pair of worn-out slacks with a rope belt tied around his waist. He couldn't even remember how many days he'd been forced to walk like this without so much as any food or water. He didn't even know where he was being taken. Through from the looks of it they might of been just walking him in circles until he laid down and died. Perhaps that would be easier, to just die and have it be over with. He couldn't do it though, he couldn't give up knowing that there were more of his people out there, perhaps suffering more than he was.

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