Part 6 [Lykaios & Micah]

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Opinions about the conquests of the Corvines and the native inhabitants that fell to them varied the entire spectrum. Though other worlds mostly saw the more violent of the race, there were also Corvines that lived more peaceful lives and advocated more diplomatic tactics. They were the minority however, and were either mostly left on the home world, or a few were installed on planets after the killing was over and done with. To this group of politicians and humanitarians, the treatment of the Avaens was unacceptable. They too would have felt wretched to see a once proud people on the edge of dying, beaten and stinking behind bars. But lest they be taken as being as big a bleeding heart as Iris, even these Corvines deferred to their rougher brothers in the interest of the continuation of their race.

Amusing to Lykaios was the fact that these more than the military, found being touched by conquered races appalling. Lykaios was not expecting to be touched by an Avaen since most were too afraid of him and his kind to dare. But he did not find them inherently polluting as others did, though Iris' action made him raise an eyebrow, though he never took his eyes away from Iris'. Iris' action was a curious one, and instead of being disgusted, Lykaios wanted to know what had prompted it. For a brief moment Iris' eyes softened as if he were looking upon, not Lykaios, but someone else for whom he held great affection. Lykaios wondered if he perhaps looked like this Avaen's lover in some way. There was definitely a curiosity in the other's gaze as he stared boldly into Lykaios', and Lykaios sensed that this Avaen was naïve more than brash. It was kind of cute, which did not bold well for the Avaen.

Micah was less analytical than his brother and took offense on his behalf at the slave touching him. Lykaios' actions were more often than not a mystery to Micah. He could never understand why his brother did the things he chose, such as not cutting this filth to the ground for daring to touch him.

"You dare!" He shouted quite before he knew it, his anger surfacing from beneath his soft exterior and transforming him into something more deadly and worthy of his line.

Lykaios heard him shout and come forward, his hand moving without much thought as he unsheathed his sword and stopped his brother in his tracks. Micah was stunned by the magnitude of his own brother's impudence. "You dare to raise a sword to me brother? Over a slave?" Micah's voice was deep and low, not at all like the annoying jovial bluster he usually spoke with.

Honestly Lykaios respected him a lot more like this. He was still facing the Avaen, Iris he had called himself, not looking down the sword at his brother. "Is that what it seems like? I had merely forgotten the weight of my sword and itched to feel it in my hand again. The timing is mere coincidence." Lykaios said in a voice that sounded faintly shocked and apologetic, but in a false way belied by the lack of reaction on his face. The sword disappeared back into its scabbard as he continued to regard Iris.

"I will take...Iris." Lykaios said, using the Avaen's actual name for now. Among the first things Lykaios had done when the killing was not a matter of stepping outside to find an Avaen, was to learn their language. He had started learning it off world, when the Corvines had sent a 'delegation' to speak to the Avaens about an alliance. Lykaios had dedicated himself to learning quite a bit about them since then.

"You've named it Iris then?" The slaver asked, having not understood Avean speak and thinking Lykaios had just come up with that now.

"No, you idiot. That is his name." 

"Why should you call him anything other than 'slave' or 'my bitch'?" Micah asked or Corvinian, his voice still deep but creeping back towards normal. He was far from over Lykaios's slight and Lykaios knew it. Lykaios didn't bother answering. He would of course change Iris' name in time, but he would let the Avaen keep that one tie to himself and past. Soon enough it would be all he had to remember his life before Lykaios, and soon after that it too would be forgotten.

"I'll take him as is. Keys Barto." Lykaios said, holding out his hand for them.

", you don't want him washed sire?" If there was anything Lykaios hated more, it was repeating himself. For the first time since he entered the cell, Lykaios looked away from Iris to Barto. Barto could've peed his pants for how much fear that one gaze inspired. "R..right sire, very good sire!" Barto didn't delay another moment handing over the keys.

"No point in cleaning it I suppose when it'll just get dirty on the road're not leaving it shackled?" Micah asked in confusion, annoyed that his brother was doing that thing again.

"He will ride in the carriage with me." Lykaios explained shortly, tossing the restraints to the side and handing Barto the key. "How long does the numbing agent last?" He asked the slaver.

"Um...a..about another hour or so my lord." Winged Avaens brought in as slaves were injected with a numbing agent in their backs that prevented them from feeling their wings enough to fly. As it wore off they gained more use of their wings, but most Corvines either injected a more permanent numbing agent, or cut them off. Lykaios did neither.

"Shall I inject more sire?"

Lykaios looked at Iris. "No, he wont give me any trouble." Lykaios said, smudging a bit of dirt on Iris' cheek.

"And how is he suppose to fit in the carriage?! It's only for two people and he wreaks!" Lykaios didn't face his brother still, a habit that Micah was quickly growing annoyed of.

"You've decided to buy more than enough Avaen slaves and whores to pull another cart." Lykaios said, finally looking at his brother with a mean smirk before his face became impassive again. It was a wonder Micah hadn't attempted to kill Lykaios more than he had in the past. He swallowed his anger, vowing that this time Lykaios wold have that smirk wiped from his face for good.

The Avaen was led from the slave house with no more than a tag and tracker implanted on his ear like a cuff to keep him from running off. But Lykaios didn't worry that Iris would do that. He had no where to run to in the middle of the Corvine city, his wings were still too numb for flight and dirty besides, and Lykaios was the only one that wouldn't cut them off and shove him on his face to fuck him raw. As far as Iris knew, staying with Lykaios was a pretty good deal for the time being. "From this moment on the only person you will speak to, unless I give you instructions otherwise, will be me. You will not speak to the other Avaens, not even telepathically, and they will not speak to you unless I instruct otherwise." Lykaios told him as they were carted towards his estate at the other end of the city.

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