Part 18 [Iris]

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Iris' poetry and songs were more than just soothing words to ease the pain of the other Avaens. Something inside of Iris was changing. He thought that he wouldn't have any source of strength or bravery after having his link with Julius severed, but he was wrong. Not being mentally connected to anyone brought out a unique kind of strength in Iris that he never would have thought himself capable of having. That place and all of its secret horrors brought out a desire for rebellion that Iris had never known before and when he was alone with no other emotions to disrupt his own he developed his own brand of bitterness and anger, though the way he felt anger was pale in comparison to that which Lykaios had displayed. Even if his poetry made Kit feel uneasy, Iris would continue anyway, much like a parent that refused to give up on a wayward child, Iris would do everything in his power to keep the other Avaens around him from succumbing to a life of fear mongering. If he wasn't allowed to die the way that he wanted to, then he wasn't going to make things easy for Lykaios either. Iris found comfort in his quiet rebellions. He might not have been the strongest of his race, but he had a fierce intelligence that rivaled even his compassion.

The sounds of pleasure did not delude Iris' conceptualization that he was in a living hell. To him it was just another sick way to make a mockery of his people and their plights. Though deep down Iris' recognized that the humiliation of forced pleasure was far more inviting than violent rape and beatings. That didn't mean that either made him feel more comfortable with the noises that he heard. He tried not to think about when it would be his turn, or what the details would include. Even though he would have gladly taken on the pain of every Avaen in existence if they could experience relief, that didn't mean that he wasn't afraid of the pain himself. In fact thinking about it was a great source of stress and anxiety for Iris. Worrying about his own well-being always coaxed feelings of stress from Iris, while thinking of others brought about a calmness and strength that was nearly unmatchable. By the fourth day, Iris was starting to wonder if Lykaios was ever going to come for him, a part of him wanting to get it over with, and another wishing that he would be able to remain alone in his cell like a common prisoner for the remainder of his days.

When it was time to eat, Iris did as he did every day, sitting with his legs crossed in the very center of the room, slowly and cautiously eating his meal. Something tasted a little off today, but he couldn't very well refuse to eat, knowing that it wouldn't being about good results for anyone involved. It was later, when his head started to spin and his eyesight started to fail him when he realized that he'd been drugged, and a sick feeling tormented his stomach as he passed into restless sleep. The darkness haunted his dreams. Avaens were not accustomed to absolute darkness since their moon was part of a binary set of stars, and the gaseous planet reflected a constant dim light across the sky even at night. He had nightmares of running through the darkness while invisible shadows chased after him no matter how hard or fast he ran. When his eyes finally started to open, he wasn't sure if he was still dreaming since all he could see was blackness. It frightened him to the core, making him wonder if the darkness was natural, or if something had been done to his eyes to make him blind.

When Lykaios penetrated him, Iris' first thought was that he'd been run through with a sword or dagger, the pain so great that it wasn't isolated to one area of his lower body. Lykaios was killing him now, perhaps after realizing that Iris was unfit as a plaything. Or at least that was what Iris thought at first, before his bewildered mind was able to wrap itself around what was actually happening. But the stabbing didn't stop, and Iris felt his body being ripped apart over and over again. With the first intrusion he let out a shrinking scream that rung even his own ears, mixed with the throbbing ringing of pain that migrated up to his head, making his brain feel as though it might actually explode from his skull. It had been such a long time since he'd been with Julez in that way so that when Lykaios entered him, it tore him open in several places. It ripped him so badly that his sphincter didn't offer any resistance, despite the constant rigidness throughout Iris' body. He cried out again when the organ was finally removed from him, and Iris wrapped his mind around what was happening to him. If Lykaios thought that this would make Iris reevaluate his desire to embrace death, he was sorely mistaken. When he felt Lykaios, or rather who he could only assume to be Lykaios since he could see nothing, hardness pushed inside of his forced open mouth, Iris wished for nothing more than to cease to exist.

His gums were bleeding from painfully biting down on the gag that held it open and he sobbed uncontrollably. The taste of his own blood and the musk of Lykaios dick made Iris gag and heave, especially as he was forcefully fucked in the face. He closed his eyes tightly, unable to hold back the tears that wet his face, and unable to understand the reason for such cruelty. He knew though that there was nothing that would stop his pain, so he kept his eyes shut and let his mind wander to a far off place, mentally singing one of old lullabies that he used to sing his children to sleep at night with.

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