Part 11 [Tajadin]

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  Tajadin's progress through the ranks of the resistance had been met with little suspicion, partially due to his uncanny ability to make people think him non-threatening and trustworthy. That was not to say that Tajadin didn't also earn his promotions and the trust he inspired in many ways. His father had not slackened in teaching him everything he would need to know for his deception and infiltration into the resistance. His back story came prepackaged with very few lies woven into it. Tajadin was indeed a half-breed, born to a mother whose master had beat and raped her almost to the point of death. That master had not been his father, but the master prior to, from whom his father had saved his mother. But that detail didn't matter, as didn't the detail that while she was indeed held captive to a master that hit and had rough sex with his mother, she had consented to all of this and held genuine affection for said master. Such details were to be omitted from the story of Tajadin the runaway bastard who harbored revenge on his master and a way to free his mother.

  His story was so typical of many of the half-breeds that no one had questioned the details of his story, but accepted him into the fold as one of them. It had surprised Taj how trusting and sure of the loyalty of the halflings the Avaens were. While it was true he was likely one of his kind, the possibility didn't seem to have occurred to them that a traitor, who had not been coerced into it, would be amongst them. He never took this for granted of course, but it almost made him angry with the easiness of it. But his anger at the treatment of other Avaens was genuine enough that part of his fervor for the resistance was not at all faked. Taj found most Corvines deserving of every horror the Avaens could invent for them. His own father he viewed as somewhere outside the race Corvine, as something unique and other. Taj was one of the few that saw his father as something other than what he presented, even without evidence to the contrary.

Tajadin made it his goal to get close to the leader of the resistance, whom he called Mr. J. Taj was in silent awe of the man and his ruthless passion. Taj dogged him like a shadow, learning all he could from Julez and gradually earning a measure of trust. Taj was careful not to try too hard to gain the Avaen's trust, as he gave off a wariness that reminded Taj of his father. Taj helped Julez torture for information, being fluent in several dialects of Corvine and knowing various methods to make them talk that his father had taught him. Taj kept contact with his father at regular intervals, leaving coded missives and other such things for his father to find in the city on is next visit. Sometimes he snuck into the house like a thief in the night, though his father was always waiting for him by some intuition that Taj could never quite figure out. So as Taj trailed Mr. J, he kept his eyes and ears open, a small folded note in his wrist cuff to leave for his father at the designated place.

Taj visibly recoiled at Mr. J's chosen stoop for the evening. Taj hated such places for similar, but more personal reasons as Julez. It was how imagined his mother had lived before she fell to his father. Such merciless and imprecise pain geared only towards one-sided pleasure turned his stomach. But he kept his mouth shut and wandered to a space in a corner to eaves drop. He didn't notice Julez suddenly depart at first, caught up as he was in the conversation between two Corvines he could not identify except as important by their clothing and baring.

"It's all going to hell. Best to fuck and maim as many as we can before the order is given for us to leave this plagued rock. I heard you got yourself a new handful of play things. Planning to seed as many of the bastards as possible Micah?" The Corvine with golden eyes chuckled as he downed half his tankard of strong Corvinian ale. The one called Micah grunted as he drank is drink more slowly.

"I bought more than I intended because of my damnable brother. But no matter. I intend that he will pay for his constant arrogance."

"I heard he got a beauty of an Avaen. One with wings and teal eyes. You know I like the light eyed ones. So much more expressive." Micah's companion said wistfully, no doubt intending to find himself such a victim for the night.

"They all scream and beg the same. It's merely another way he thinks to set himself higher. But I will see to it that keeping all those winged Avaens is his downfall, that he never gets off this rock...."

Taj heard no more of the plotting as he realized Julez was gone and weaved his way out of the brothel to find his companion.

"Mr.J, Mr.J?!" Taj shook Julez frantically when he found him collapsed, afraid for him and how grey his skin looked. Julez looked in a daze, tears on his face and Taj was sure he didn't even see him. Taj followed after him, keep quiet by Julez' side until they were safely away from listening ears.

"Mr. J, are you alright? Did you see someone you knew?...did you find your mate?" Taj asked quietly. He knew Julez had a beautiful mate, everyone up top said so, though no one could say what the mate looked like or what their name was, or even if it was a boy or girl. Taj had noticed Julez' eyes roaming the places they went as if looked for someone, and the small sigh of relief and disappointment when he didn't find whoever he was looking for. Now Taj wondered if such relief hadnt come this time and he had found his mate, broken and dying in that brothel.

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