Part 51 [Lykaios]

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Lykaios had reluctantly joined his brother to the pet house to check out the new stock partially because he had been bored. After a little over half a century on the planet Lykaios had started to grow tired of the same routines and pets day in and out. He liked the ones he owned well enough, but even their responses and actions caused no jolt of inspiration, no thrill of excitement of something new. He liked them for what other Avaens lacked in comparison, but it did not make them special enough to hold Lykaios' attention for long. Among them Tajma had held his attention the longest, becoming the closest thing he had to a wife on this planet, though he held no where near the level of affection for her to call her anything remotely like that.

Tajma was the most loyal, and for that loyalty and attention he had rewarded her with what she had desired most, Taj. Taj himself was interesting in his own way, but he was off on mission and even if he werent there was a limited range of excitement he could provide.

Lykaios didnt typically sleep with or claim his children in the way he did his pets. In fact Lykaios was typically relatively nurturing towards his children in a way that most would think impossible for him. Iris would definitely be surprised to see him interact with his children as Lykaios was typically no more brutal than a good father needed to be to discipline and correct bad behaviour. So when Lykaios had met Iris he had been searching for a relief of his boredom, something to tide him over for another few decades or until his plan was complete, or there was a call move to another planet, whichever came first.

However, when he had met the Avaen and even after Iris had the audacity to touch him and speak his native language before a group of Corvines, Lykaios had not expected the Avaen to provide this much excitement and interest. He had thought that he would provide a spark here or there, something new in the right environment, but nothing like what he was provoking in Lykaios in that moment.

It usually took a lot longer for his pets to accept the pleasure that they received from him. But there was a brief flash of triumph over Iris' emotional pool, and then the digust began to be pushed to the background. Such a uquick change over did not fool Lykaios and he figured that Iris must have thought he had discovered some game or trick that Lykaios was playing. Perhaps he thought that by giving into the pleasure, or pretending to, that he would please Lykaios more and save himself much pain and distress in the future. Such was both true and not at the same time. Lykaios was playing a game, but not as deceitful a one as Iris was imagining.

Lykaios actually lied surprisingly little, both in dealings with his pets and with his own kind. Iris was no doubt thinking that the pleasure he was feeling was a lie that it was best to ride out for the moment, but which would crumble under the truth sooner or later. But Lykaios knew otherwise. Iris knew very little about the types of pleasures he could enjoy and what kinds of people could arouse him.

Even if Iris was convinced this pleasure was a lie, some crusty man on an otherwise insignificant planet had once said that it was just as good to mimic, as to actually do. If Iris pretended long enough, even if pretending was what it started out as, it would become real enough to the point where reality and pretend no longer had clear lines.

So Lykaios, though intrigued by Iris' switch in frame of mind, did not attempt to stop him or directly attack the disgust Iris was shoving to the back of his mind. After all, the purpose of this stage of training was to bring the pleasure to the fore. If Iris wanted to have a hand in that, all the better. Lykaios had no problem letting his pets take control of their pleasure in most cases. Still, Iris surprised him again when he kissed back with vigor and even turned Lykaios over and began to kiss over Lykaios' skin in an attempt to arouse the other. Lykaios gave a faint smile, pleased by this turn of events. He could feel the lust becoming more prominent in Iris and decided to see just how far Iris was willing to fake it and whether he could really pull himself back when he got to the edge.

Lykaios sat up, holding Iris in his lap and allowing the other to continue to kiss and suck on his skin, allowing a soft purr of pleasure to escape his lips.

"This is less about what I truly want, and more about you discovering what it is that you want and I can provide. It seems right now you want to be pleasured more, and I have no qualms in accomodating that."

Lykaios said as he reached down between them and fondled Iris' balls as his other hand stroked the soft spot between Iris' wings.

"You are wrong if you think my desire is to see you broken and begging beneath me, or a mindless slave to the passions."

Lykaios' fingers slipped lower and back into Iris, curving towards his prostate and stroking it again to make Iris moan. Iris was clealry seeing him in one note, painting him with a single brush that had a limited range of strokes. But Lykaios could give animal pleasure, gentle pleasure, rough, intellectual, complex, and simple.

His aims varied and were not always centered solely on himself as the one to receive physical pleasure. Iris' mood swings and inner turmoil gave Lykaios an emotional and intellectual pleasure as it all was indeed a game of who could figure out the other first. Lykaios' hand came away from Iris' wings, trailing along them as he reached to the night stand and dipped his fingers in the warm oil of the candles, which burned in a natural lubricant that he smeared over his cock before lifting Iris onto it. Unlike before when he gave little thought to allowing Iris to accomodate him,

Lykaios allowed gravity and Iris' lust to pull him inside, sucking on his cock greedily. One of Lykaios' hands stroked over Iris' cock which was both trying to recover and to respond to the new stimuli.

"Did you know that your kind, if stimulated properly, can have many orgasms back to back? Perhaps not like my species can, but rather than the pleasure becoming increasingly better each time, it is like a new experience for you ever orgasm. Shall we see how many you can have before you no longer know whether you are begging me to stop or continue?"

Lykaios asked in a soft and inviting voice as he grabbed Iris' ass and began to move his hips, attacking Iris' neck with gusto as he worked to bring pleasure to both their bodies. Sometimes he hand would leave Iris' hips to stroke the spine of the other's wings or tangle into Iris' hair to bring him into a gentle but deep kiss.

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