Part 53 [Iris]

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Iris, in turn, could feel the distrust and uncertainty that Lykaios held towards him and his responses, though it was small in comparison to the other emotions that he picked up on. Lust and desire were actually pretty big distractions for him, distorting his own emotions than just about anything. When left to his own thoughts and devices, Iris never thought about sex or pleasure and he never felt like those things were missing from his life.

When he was the only one deciding what to do with his time, Iris would much rather be reading and studying or out exploring through the various natural gardens of his little world. Though he he'd had his mate and his children, Iris was always one to be pursued for attention, never the other way around. While he loved his family, and Julius, Iris was always just one step away from going into complete isolation from everyone and everything. It was always the emotions of others that bleed into his own, corrupting them without actually meaning to. 

Most Avaen's weren't empaths, and even fewer experienced empathy on the level that Iris did. It took years of meditation and mental training to develop the self control to not let the emotions of others fully affect him, especially the negative ones. For that, Iris usually felt the most like himself when he was alone. He could block out the feelings that he didn't want to be affected by much better these days, but lust was still a hard one, mostly because he'd never had to resist it as much.

He'd loved Julius, and for that love he had always been willing to let his lover's passion to infect him. Perhaps Lykaios thought that it was Iris' inner desires that were brought out by the lust serum, but in reality it just made it that much harder for him to not feel the desire that Lykaios himself was radiating, if it had been one or the other, perhaps Iris would have been able to meditate the effects away, though even that option was most likely one that would only cause him more suffering later on for his troubles.

It wasn't so much that Iris only saw Lykaios in one note, it was that there was still so much that he couldn't see or know about the other, except for what he was shown and of course the things that he felt from the other, but sometimes even that was a mystery wrapped in an enigma.

Iris had seen many Corvine from afar, but thankfully knew little about them first hand, and it was obvious just from his time here that the other was not a stereotype of his kind, but then again, neither was Iris one for his.

Everything that Lykaios did, all of his words, and all off the emotions that he passed on to Iris were like a jigsaw puzzle, and yet so many of the pieces didn't seem to fit perfectly together.  Though now he had little time to attempt to put those pieces together as Lykaios' attentions centered on him and Iris made a variety of sounds between pleasure and shame.

There was a part of Iris that had hoped to anger Lykaios, because pain was much easier to distinguish and accept for what it was, where pleasure was an emotion that tempted to cloud his mind and senses to a point that he wouldn't know the difference between what were his true emotions and which were not.

There was little that Iris could do to turn around the path for which the currents were taking, however, and with every passing moment the hands that caressed and baited him into deceptive bliss became more and more tempting to him. More than anything though it was the mutual stimulation of being entered that had Iris trembling against Lykaios like never before. He was too well lubed to feel any pain as he was lowered down onto the cock that awaited him, gasping as he was filled in a way that he'd long forgotten and his empathy made it seem as though he were on both ends of the pleasure at the same time, making it obvious that anything that made both himself and Lykaios feel good at the same time was the easiest way to send Iris over the edge.

Iris could barely even pay attention to what Lykaios was saying to him as he desperately tried to control himself from moving on the hard cock that impaled him. Rational thought was quickly becoming a thing of the past as his body was stimulated in ways that he had long since forgotten, and he leaned in close to Lykaios' chest, grasping to him tightly as the other started to fuck him, making Iris cry out against his neck. His wings hovered close to his body, almost laying against the bed as he had little strength or  focus to actually hold them up any higher, the stems trembling and jerking slightly under the attention given to them. The pleasure was already becoming more than he could handle and without any real intent behind his actions Iris sunk his teeth into Lykaios' neck, biting him hard as he came into the hand that was stroking him.

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 04, 2019 ⏰

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