Part 10 [Julius]

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   Julius, once a proud lieutenant of the guard, was now the unofficial leader of the insurgency. Though only those that worked closely with him knew his real name and face. Secrecy was of the utmost importance if they were going to succeed in their endeavors to reclaim their home world. For the first few years after the initial attack, Julius had no choose but to go into hiding like all the others that weren't killed or captured. It had been a devastating loss for his people, and he knew from the beginning that it would be a war to stretch across the decades, so he patiently bided his time, collecting what little resources and information he could without getting himself caught. In a struggle like this, he had to dedicate all of his mind to intelligence, because even one mistake could mean the end of his race. Still, he couldn't help but think of his love, Iris.

Guilt ate at him to his very core over not being in the same place as his lover when the shots were fired. He should have been there with his mate, to protect him from harm, but he wasn't and he failed completely as a provider to his family. He could feel that Iris was still out there somewhere, though he couldn't imagine where, and refused to let himself think that he might have been captured and enslaved like the others that Julius saw being dragged away. Ever since the day that Julius had been separated from his family he only had one goal, and that was to get them back. He couldn't get them back in a world like this though, what good would it be to be reunited with them, just to hide in fear always? No, he needed to fix this Corvine problem first, and resort things to their former glory. Only then could he truly start to search for Iris. In a way it was better for Julius to be on his own in these times of war, because it allowed him to completely focus his mind on the task at hand, not worrying about having to keep Iris safe while he fought for there freedom. Iris would also most likely want to help, and Julius couldn't allow that, he could never agree to letting Iris put himself in the path of danger.

Now, years later, the rebels were secretly growing in numbers and gathering more technology and weapons and started growing the poisons that were lethal to extraterrestrial species, but were all but harmless to the Avaens who had evolved around such things. Julius had built a massive underground bunker, fully equipped with deflecting technology that hid their operation from the sensors of the Corvines. There were few in their group like Julius, that were strong enough and smart enough to avoid capture all these years, then there were others that had been slaves, either left on the roads to die when they were no longer wanted, or escaping on their own or with help. There were also halflings among their ranks, sons and daughters of slaves that could not condone the brutal treatment of those that had birthed them. The Corvines knew not yet how massive the storm that was coming was.

New technology was created, soft lenses crafted to change the colors of their eyes, and dyes for their hair and wings so that they could infiltrate into Corvine society without suspicion. Julius was the first to do this. His hair and wings were dyed a raven black, and he wore the specially crafted lenses that made his eyes a dull red, almost pink color. There was no way to detect that he was actually an Avaen, and since this kind of deception wasn't heard of, no one suspected that he wasn't a halfling. He went so far as to create a background story for himself, picking a Corvine male to be his father, then having him killed in a way that made it look like natural causes.

The Avaen's who birthed the halflings weren't important to their lineage, so there was no one left to question Julius' lie. He was even so bold as to build himself a house in the middle of a Corvine city. The home itself was modest compared to some of the homes of the high ranking Corvines, but it served its purpose well. He 'owned' three Avaens that lived in his home. They were wingless, and lived peacefully in secret under his roof. Within Julius' bedroom was a secret passage, one that could only be opened by a hidden switch. Though, even if one were to find the hidden passage, it seemingly only led into a secret basement that was filled with tools used for torture. Anyone that saw it would only assume that it was meant for his 'pets'. There was another secret passage under that one though, and that was the one that led all the way back to the rebels underground base.

Julius had become somewhat ruthless. He was different than Iris in that he felt no pity for the Corvine, and whenever he could capture one without rising suspicions he would. He would drag them down to the depth of his base and torture them endlessly for Corvine intelligence information, and when he was done with them, he killed them and had the bodies dumped. Corvine bodies weren't as hard to get rid of as one might think. They were such a violent race that they even killed their own kind sometimes, especially in drunken bar fights, so that was always one of the best places to dump a body without it looking like an act of war.

Even particular evening, Julius was out in one of the brothel houses to see if he could catch an ear-full of interesting gossip. He hated going to those places, they were worse than hell. It was a place where non-carrier Avaens, who had the misfortune of being physically desirable were kept for the sexually depraved enjoyment of those sick bastards. Just walking in, he resisted the urge to cover his face from the stench of rotting flesh, feces, and semen. Julius didn't have the first clue as to how anyone could sport a hard-on in a place like this, it was truly disgusting, but it was one of the best places to find the fat rat Corvines that were in political affairs. He sat at the bar for the most part, pretending to sip on a drink while he eavesdropped on any conversation that seemed like it might be important. However, it wasn't meant to be that evening.

He was sitting there, next to some bureaucrat that was just starting to run his ugly mouth when Julius felt a sharp pain in his ankle. He was a dull pain at first, but as the moments went by it got worse and worse. He left the bar, his heart pounding from panic and stress, unable to process the reason for the pain where his mark that bound him to Iris was. He had to find a place that was safe to inspect it better, so he stumbled from the bar and went down the corridor where all of the sexual nightmares took place. There was no other place where he could go quickly, so he ducked into a room that was filled with Avaens, some of them in the process of being raped, others huddled on the ground from pain and shock, perhaps even close to death. There was enough screaming going on to drown out Julius' cries of pain as he felt his flesh burning away. He fell to the ground, rolling up his pants leg enough to see his mark, only to see it slowly being etched away. He screamed painfully, his eyes filling with tears as he gripped his ankle tightly. He was in a panic, his mind whirling with despair. It wasn't possible, it couldn't be... Julius could only think of one reason that his mark would disappear, and it meant that the love of his life was no longer in this world. He cried out of self pity and hate for the Corvines and hate for himself for not having been able to save Iris from his terrible fate. His heart broke, and the last bit of kindness left him for good, leaving nothing but the shell of a person. He forced himself to get up, after the physical pain had ebbed and left the Brothel to return to his home. He vowed vengeance on all Corvine. Revenge was the only thing that he had to live for now, and it wasn't enough anymore to just drive them off their moon. He wanted every last one of them dead, he would end the Corvine line if he had to go from planet to planet and personally hunt down each and every one of them. They would pay with the extinction of their race for killing Iris, and god help the person who did this to Iris, if Julius was ever given the chance to lay his hands on them.

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