Part 14[Tajadin]

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     Taj recognized the neighborhood they were in as not far from his father's place. But his thoughts about his father were pushed aside by the more immediate distress of the rebel leader. Taj didn't get too close to the Avaens that Julez kept in his home. Like most, they trusted him well enough, but they freaked him out a little and were a greater danger to him since they lived not very far from where his father stayed. Taj just didn't want to take too many chances as he was all too aware how flimsy his story might be under too close scrutiny. As Julez lifted his pants leg Taj winced and hurried to the bathroom to get the first aid to clean the wound before it got infected.

    He chided himself, sure that Julez had gotten hurt sometime while they were out and that he hadn't noticed. How had he not seen something like this? This was not a small injury and it was no wonder that Julez had been in such pain. When Julez explained, Taj felt his heart go out to the man. Taj had never been in love, but he understood the mechanics of it and how deeply mate marks ran. Now that he looked at the leg he recalled that it had been the one he had seen the mark on before and told his father about. Taj finished bandaging the wound, and impulsively wrapped his wings around Julez. His wings did not have that large of a span, but he tried to cover and comfort Julez as much as he could. Even though the man wasn't crying, Taj had no doubt that his heart was torn in two.

  "I'm so sorry Mr. J....are you sure? Did you see his body?" Taj pressed gently, finding that he wanted to find some sliver of hope for Julez to hang on to. Even though he was playing both fields, Taj actually liked Julez and wanted no harm to come to him. If he could orchestrate it, Taj would likely find a way for his father take control of Julez and keep him safe.

   "Perhaps....perhaps he isn't dead. I mean, can you tell for sure he is? And not that his mark has just been removed?"
Taj offered. It was more than he probably should say and his father might be cross with him, but Taj couldn't bear to see Julez in so much pain. Of course, Taj didn't know too many Corvines who took the time to surgically remove the marks like his father did, but some Corvines marred and burned their pets all the time and might have erased the mark without exact intention.

    "If you can tell me what he looked like, I can maybe find out for you. If he had distinguishing marks, like teal eyes or something, I could find out if he is alive or not. I have a bunch of contacts in the city." Thanks to his understanding of many languages and ability to befriend almost anyone, not to mention his father, he could find out whatever he needed. He was aware that this ability would at some point rouse suspicion, but he had a story in place for that.

   When Lykaios had taught Taj all the things he knew, Taj had also learned to have many believable stories and escape routes should he be called into question. Even if the truth, short of him being a spy, was found out, he had a story for that as well. Though it had grown less likely over time, he expected someone at some point to call him out on his knowledge of languages or skills at torture. He didn't know that the master he claimed as father had no surviving children, but even if he had, he would readily find an excuse for the lie. No shortage of what he had learned in subterfuge came from his mother and the other Avaens that lived with Lykaios. Others might think it was unwise for the Corvine to encourage such skills, but Lykaios was not a stupid master and knew the limits of his pet's trust.

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