Part 33 [Iris]

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Iris had nearly come to terms with the physical pain that had wreaked his body, and he couldn't have imagined that pain being eased by anything, however with Lykaios' healing treatments Iris was quickly healing from the abuse done to his fragile body. Though Iris had never been raped or assaulted like that before, from his experiences with aiding others of his kind, he knew how truly destructive sexual abuse could be, both physically and mentally. However, with every passing moment the silver haired male felt the cuts and gashes gradually fading away until there was nothing left but the memory, and somehow, that was even worse. It was worse because the pain reminded him that all of this was real, that it wasn't just some illusion meant to disorient him from reality. His brain told him that he'd been violated, but his muscles could easily let the transgression go after his strength was regained. He didn't want that though, he didn't want to be okay right now, all he really wanted was to be alone with his pain and suffering, both physically and mentally, and being held and comforted by anyone, especially Lykaios, was the very last thing that he wanted to go through.

With the calming drug, Iris found it much easier to slip into the recesses of his mind. Because at least if he couldn't suffer in peace, perhaps he could block out the sound of his tormenters poisonous voice. He could still feel the other, sitting uncomfortably close to him, and Iris could feel the heat of Lykaios' body next to his own. He wanted to cringe away, but his body seemed to ignore his command to do so. He relaxed somewhat when he was left alone, even if it was only for a moment or so, though it could of been hours, without any sure signs of the passage of time. Iris closed his eyes, but when he did he saw Lykaios' eyes, shining wickedly in front of his eyelids and he quickly snapped them back open with a shudder. This life was so far removed from anything that he'd ever imagined for himself, and even though Lykaios seemed to have faith in his ability to survive, Iris didn't know how he was ever going to find the will to keep going. Perhaps if there was some reason for this torment, some glimmer of hope that his suffering might aid his people to achieve freedom, then it would certainly be worth it. That seemed more and more impossible though. It hurt him deeply to think that his people with their wisdom and love of knowledge and nature would come to their demise in this same manner that he would.

It wouldn't of matter if his foot was shackled or not, Iris didn't move, he didn't even so much as change position on the bed. He secretly wished that Lykaios, nor anyone would ever walk through that door again and he could pass into darkness forever, without resistance. He would never be so lucky though, and his breathing picked up in pace when his owner reentered the room. The serum was still having an effect on him, keeping him from moving as physically far away from Lykaios as possible. Naturally, Iris knew that Lykaios wouldn't poison him through food. He'd already injected him with drugs before, and there was nothing stopping him from doing it again, so putting anything in his food was nothing but an unnecessary step. However, the food itself was not appealing to Iris, at least not for the moment. The thought of eating anything now, especially with Lykaios there watching him, made Iris feel sick to his stomach.

It would take time for Iris to get over what had been done to him, even if it never happened again, he would certainly be left with deep emotional scars from the violation, and Iris knew that this wouldn't be the last time, and it probably wouldn't even be the worst of it. While the calming serum kept him from rebelling, it also brought out some of his passive aggressive rebellion to the surface since he couldn't be bothered to care one way or the other about doing anything to upset Lykaios. Iris had no desire to speak, so he said nothing in reply, and he had no desire to eat, so he took nothing from the plate, even at the risk of invoking his owner's wrath. At the moment he didn't care, and he didn't feel like anything Lykaios could do to him right now could possibly hurt him more than he was already hurt.

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