Chapter 43

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Matt's POV

I woke up early, but I didn't care, I didn't mind waking this early. I rolled over and the reason I didn't mind was laying next to me. Lana. It was nice waking up next to her, I mean we'd woken up next to each other a hundred times before, but now, well now I appreciated waking up next to her. No that wasn't right, I always appreciated her, now I liked waking up next to her because she was mine. That sounded terrible, like she was a possession of mine, but when I say mine I mean she's my girl, my girlfriend, Lana was actually my girlfriend.

I grinned like an idiot, that thought making me smile. I looked at Lana sleeping, laying on her back, her head turned towards me and I studied her face. Her hair was out and spread around her, her lips slightly parted and she looked beautiful, she was honestly a beautiful woman. Why hadn't I seen it before? I mean I always knew she was an attractive girl, but why hadn't I thought about dating her before? I laid there trying to think of  reason and I couldn't. I had no idea why I hadn't, I think maybe because we were so close to begin with, I don't know, but I do know that my impending marriage and her relationship with Nick had made me finally open my eye's and I was glad, glad that I finally saw that what I needed and what I wanted was right in front of me.

I let my eye's wander down. She had the blankets bunched around her waist and I let my eye's linger on her boobs. I'd been infatuated with her boobs for years and I sure as hell wasn't any different now, I wanted to take off her shirt, I really wanted to see those boobs, no, I wanted to see all of her, I really did. Fuck, I was turned on and I wanted to wake Lana up, I would have liked to have spent the day in bed with her. I won't lie, I was really looking forward to getting intimate with her, it was going to be different, but I knew it was going to be fucking wonderful.

Shit, now I was horny. I leant over and kissed her softly, before getting up and heading into the kitchen and making a coffee. I had a few things I wanted to do today and the sooner I got them done, the sooner I could get back here to Lana.

I drank my coffee then headed in and had a shower, getting dressed and by the time I came back out Lana was sitting in the living room, drinking coffee.

"Morning." I murmured softly, sitting next to her and leaning in for a kiss. She turned her face so my lips landed on her cheek and I smiled, fine, she was still a little angry at me. "So I'm going out for a bit, but hopefully I won't be long and then maybe we can do something." She ignored me and shrugged and I smiled. "Lana."

She turned to me, raising her eyebrows.

"Lana." I murmured, pulling her into my arms. "I realise you're still pissed at me, but can you at least kiss me?"

She sighed like it was a major effort but she leaned in and kissed me anyway. It was a long lingering kiss and I pulled tightly against me.

"Where are you going?" She murmured against my lips and I was disappointed that that amazing kiss was over.

"To see Courtney." I murmured, leaning in for another kiss.

"Oh well." She said, putting her hands on my chest and pushing me away. "Does that mean I can carry on like a child and throw a tantrum like you?"

"Lana don't." I said sheepishly. Yeah I was kind of embarrassed by the way I acted, but I couldn't help that I was jealous. "I was jealous okay, insecure."

"And I'm not?" She asked frowning. "You think I'm not worried. What if you go and see her and realise that I was a mistake, you had cold feet, but you realise you love Courtney?"

"Lana." I murmured, pulling her to my chest. "That's not going to happen."

"You never know."

"Yeah I do know, I do know Lana." I told her. "I've been in love with you for awhile, I just didn't know what to do, so please believe me when I tell you, you're the girl I want Lana, all I'm doing is going to tell Courtney what is going on, tell her it's over so she can move on and then I'm going to ask her to move the fuck out of my house." I smiled when Lana giggled. "So, I'm going to go and when I come home, we can do whatever you like, okay?" I had doing her on my mind, but I wasn't confident enough to say it.

"Okay." She agreed and I kissed her again before I grabbed my keys and left.

I was kind of nervous, but I was a little excited. I was nervous about Courtney's reaction, but I was excited to get this part of my life over with. I wanted to get on with my life, my life with Lana, so this was the beginning of that.

I pulled into the drive, my fucking drive actually, and I turned off the car, taking a deep breath. I walked to the front door and rang the bell. Yeah I could have let myself in but that felt a little weird, so I decided to ring the doorbell.

The door flew open and Courtney stood there, looking pissed. "Finally." She snapped. "It's about time you came home."

"Yeah, we need to talk." I told her.

She stepped back and I walked past her, turning around to face her, just inside the door.

"You know Matthew." She said. "You could have just told me you were nervous and we could have dealt with it, not handled it the way you did. But anyway, thank god you came to your senses."

"I'm sorry?" What did she mean?

"I said I'm glad you finally came to your senses, now we can organise another wedding date." She said looking at me.

"No." I said harshly, maybe a little too harshly. "Look Courtney, I left you at the church because I realised I didn't want to marry you, not because I was nervous."

Maybe I should have chosen my words better, but I couldn't think of a nicer way of putting it. I watched her eye's get wide and her cheeks go red.

"What do you mean Matt?" She growled.

"I mean, I don't want to marry you, I don't want to be with you anymore Courtney, we're over."

"Don't be ridiculous." She snapped.

I stood there looking at her, wondering what I ever saw in her. "Look, enough, it's over. You need to move out, find somewhere else, I mean you can take a little time, there's no need to move out today, but yeah, I want my house back."

She huffed at me, folding her arms across her chest. "Well where are you staying?"


"I fucking knew it." She snapped. "You do realise that she's in love with you right? What a joke."

"Courtney don't be a bitch." Not that I was surprised. "And yeah, I know how Lana feels."

She looked at me frowning, then she took a step backwards. "Oh my god." She said. "You left me for her didn't you?"

"Courtney it doesn't matter." I snapped.

"I should have known, the night you moaned her name, I should have know."

I turned to the door, shaking my head. "Whatever Courtney, I have no idea what you're talking about, but whatever."

"I'll tell you what I'm talking about." She said grabbing my arm. "The fact that you moaned her name when you were having sex with me, that's what I'm talking about."

Oh shit.

"So go Matthew, run back to that bitch." She snapped. "But I'll be here waiting, when you come to your senses, I'll be here waiting."

I shook my head and walked out the door, turning around as I reached the stairs. "You'll be waiting a long time Courtney." And she shrugged. "Just get out of my house."

I walked down the steps and got into the car, driving away, driving towards Lana. Once I was on the road I couldn't help but laugh. I'd said Lana's name, I'd actually moaned her name. It would seem my subconscious knew what I wanted before I did.

It didn't matter anyway. Now Lana and I were both free, free to be together, free to be with each other and I couldn't wait. I wanted to dedicate my life to her, making her happy because Lana was making me happy. I'd never ever felt so happy.

I was ready to start this new chapter with Lana. I'd never been more ready in my life.

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