Chapter 97

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Matt's POV

It was amazing, the whole thing was amazing, Lana was amazing. What she did was amazing.

I stayed behind Lana as she started the pushing and it was taking a long time. I could sense Lana's frustration, I was feeling frustrated too, until the midwife pulled out the mirror. I watched as our baby's head made an appearance and you could see the hair. It spurred Lana on and gave her the energy to keep going. It was amazing seeing your baby, and it was a feeling I don't think I'll ever forget.

Lana held my hands as I sat behind her and I looked in the mirror as the midwife first had our baby's head in her hands, then I watched as she guided it into the world.

"Here we go." She said smiling and placing the baby on Lana.

I looked over Lana's shoulder and touched it. IT? What was it?

"What is it?" I asked, trying to look.

"A girl." Karen said smiling and I looked back at my daughter.

She was looking around, eye's wide and she went blurry. I was crying and I didn't even realise it.

"A girl." Lana sobbed and I watched as our daughter opened her mouth and began crying along with her mother.

"Matt." Karen said smiling. "The cord?"

She handed me some little scissor looking things and I reached down, cutting the cord, then I turned my attention back to our baby.

Lana had her in her arm's and she was crying softly, playing with her tiny hands.

"She's beautiful." I murmured in Lana's ear.

"She is." Lana murmured and I pulled the both of them closer to me.

"Okay." Karen said smiling. "We just have to check a few things Lana, then she's all yours."

Lana nodded and I watched as Karen picked up our baby.

"You can watch Matt." She said smiling and Lana nodded.

I knew they had a few things left to do to Lana so I kissed her cheek, getting up and following Karen over to a corner of the room.

I watched as Karen weighed, poked and prodded my daughter, before wrapping her up and handing her to me.

"She's all yours." She told me smiling.

I pulled her close to my chest, looking down at her. She was Lana, a tiny version of Lana and it hurt my heart just looking at her.

"She is absolutely perfect." Karen declared, walking back over to Lana.

I looked at Lana and smiled. She was laying back watching us and I walked over to her, kissing her forehead.

"We have a daughter." I murmured, smiling down at the both of them.

"I told you." Lana murmured and of course she was right, she'd been telling me it was a girl for months.

"I know." I whispered and I kissed her softly. "I'm so proud of you Lana." And I watched as she started crying again.

"Lana." Karen said softly. "We'll take you down to your room soon, get you settled." And Lana nodded wiping her cheeks.

I held our daughter while they finished with Lana and followed as they moved down to a private room.

They got Lana comfortable, then placed the baby in her arms.

"Let's feed her then feed you." They told Lana smiling.

Lana nodded, she looked so exhausted, but I watched as she fed our daughter and I loved her even more from that moment on.

"Matt." Lana murmured, once everyone had left the room and there was only the three of us. "You should probably call some people."

"Soon." I told her smiling, I had our baby in my arms again and I just wanted to stay here a while.

"Okay." She murmured closing her eye's.

"Lana." I whispered, leaning over and kissing her forehead. "We need a name."

She smiled and nodded, without opening her eye's and I kissed her lips softly. "We do."

"Avery." I whispered, because it was a name we'd both liked.

Lana smiled and opened her eye's. "Yes, that's perfect." And it was, it really was.

I sat there a while longer and both of my girls fell asleep, so I got up quietly, placing Avery in her crib, then sneaking outside. I really needed to make some calls.

I phoned my parents first, and I couldn't help it, I cried while I told them about their perfect granddaughter. They promised to come in the morning and I knew they would, I knew everyone would.

Next was Lana's parents and I cried again, Lana's mom made me cry with her crying.

"Matt ask my baby to call me." She sobbed. "I need to talk to her." And I promised, realising that a mother daughter bond was a very strong one indeed.

"I will." I whispered wiping my face.

God, I needed to grow some balls.

I called Marty next and the she answered before the phone barely had the chance to ring.

"Well?" She answered.

"We have a daughter." I told her proudly. "Avery." And then it was Marty's turn to cry and I listened as Brian took the phone off of her, congratulating me. We talked for a bit then I hung up, turning to go back inside.

I would call other people in the morning, they could wait, right now I wanted to get back to my family. I missed them already.

I opened the door to Lana's room quietly and both of them were sleeping and I stood in the door watching, smiling.

I couldn't believe it, we were parents, finally. It seemed like only yesterday I was marrying the wrong person, but here I was, where I was meant to be, with Lana and once again I was glad that I had come to my senses in time, in time to see what had always been in front of me.

"What are you doing?" Lana murmured softly from the bed.

I wiped my face and closed the door, walking over to her. "Admiring my beautiful girls." I murmured, leaning down and kissing her.

She smiled up at me. "You must be tired Matt."

I nodded, I was. "Very."

"Go home, go to bed." She whispered.

I shook my head. "No, I'm not leaving you baby, I can't." And it was true, I didn't want to leave, not at all.

She smiled and pulled back the blankets. "Sleep here." She whispered.

I pulled off my shoes and climbed into bed with her, wrapping my arms around her and kissing her softly.

"I love you Lana." I murmured, and I did, so much.

"I love you." She whispered sleepily, burying her face in my chest.

I laid there for a little while, listening to both of my girls sleep, then I too fell asleep.

I was content. Hell I was luckiest guy on earth, I really was.

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