Chapter 56

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Matt's POV

I was pissed. No, pissed was an understatement. I was furious, so furious with Lana. I could not believe she had said what she did, that I had a fondness for strippers, fuck that pissed me off so much and then to turn around and break up with me so I could 'fuck' whoever I wanted. Fuck. That's what I felt like screaming, fuck, at the top of my lungs.

I wasn't going to let her ruin my night so I left before I did or said something I regretted.

I actually ended up having a great night and contrary to popular belief I didn't even fondle the strippers, but I did get drunk, really drunk, but then again, so did everyone else.

I was still pissed off the next day so I just went back to my place and when Lana rang I ignored her calls, I was in no state of mind to talk to her just yet, I just needed a few days to calm down.

I took a few days and then I decided to call her, I mean I had to call her anyway, we were leaving for Tulum in two days, but before I got the chance to call her she messaged me anyway and I stood in my kitchen, reading it, getting pissed off all over again.

I called the hotel, there are no other rooms available, I have organised an extra bed.

That was it, that's all it said, she had organised an extra bed. What the fuck did that even mean?

By the time I left for the airport on Wednesday morning I was still pissed. How could one woman infuriate me so much? This was going to be a great vacation, fucking fantastic.

When I arrived at the airport, Lana, Brian, Marty, Zack and Rachel were already there waiting and as I walked over Lana turned her nose up at me and turned to face the other way. Fuck her.

"Ready to check in?" Brian asked and I nodded.

We all checked in and waited and surprise surprise, when we boarded the flight I was no where near Lana. She'd obviously organised it so she could sit as far away as possible. That was fine with me, I didn't want to sit near her anyway.

We arrived and divided into two groups to catch taxi's to the hotel, and gee, Lana went with Zack and Rachel, she hadn't even acknowledged my existence yet, she was carrying on like a complete bitch and I wanted to slap her.

By the time our taxi arrived the others were checking in. Lana was standing at the desk, looking distressed.

"Here he is." She snapped, glaring at me.

"What?" I snapped back.

"Sir we need your credit and card and signature for the room as the booking was made in your name." I smiled sarcastically at Lana and gave them what they needed and in return they gave me a swipe card to the room.

"Can we have two please?" Lana snapped and the, lady behind the desk rolled her eye's at me, but handed Lana her own card.

Lana grabbed her bags and marched off towards the elevators, I glanced at Brian and he smirked at me, before I followed Lana.

The trip up to the room was silent, both us staring straight ahead, but finally we arrived at our room and Lana used her card to let us in.

I walked in and looked around, then stopped. Now I knew what she meant by an extra bed. There in the middle of the living room was a tiny little fold out bed, all made up and ready. Was she serious?

"Oh don't worry." She snapped, throwing her bag on it. "I'm sleeping here." And she proceeded to unzip her bag.

I looked at her, smiled and shrugged and turned and went into the big bedroom, where there was a gloriously huge bed that looked extremely comfortable.

I threw my bag on it then laid down. Yep, it was comfortable and I grinned at the prospect of Lana sleeping on that little bed. Fuck her, she deserved it.

I heard the door slam and I got up, looking out. Lana was gone. I had no idea where she went, but maybe she'd made plans to catch up with the girls. We'd decided that for the rest of the day we would lay by the pool and get drunk and right now I really needed a beer.

I got changed and headed downstairs to the pool. Everyone else was already there, including Lana and I looked at her, sitting on the edge drinking some pink looking cocktail.

Ugh, I would have to talk to her, this was ridiculous. We couldn't spend the whole holiday not talking to each other, that was stupid. Tomorrow, I would talk to her tomorrow.

We ended up getting a little drunk and I swear Lana was going out of her way just to annoy me, well actually she wasn't annoying me, it was like I actually didn't exist. She completely ignored my presence and that pissed me off all over again. Fuck talking to her.

She ended up going up to the room earlier than everyone else and I decided to have one more before I headed up.

"Matt." Marty said, coming over to me. "Are you actually going to speak to Lana or....?"

I shrugged. "When she apologises."

She shook her head. "That will never happen."

"Well I guess we'll never speak to each other again then." I said, downing the rest of my beer and placing it on the table. "Lana started this, so I'm finishing this." I turned to head out and then I said something I regretted and in hindsight I wished I kept my big mouth shut. "We're over Marty, get used to it, I'm moving on."

I headed to the elevator and went up to our room, letting myself in quietly. Lana was in her tiny little bed, on her side sleeping and I looked at her. God, just the sight of her made me mad all over again.

I went to the bathroom and got changed, heading into my bedroom, with my big luxurious bed and I laid down, closing my eye's.

I'd left the door open, I couldn't shut it, the sounds of Lana sleeping had a way of settling of me, and as much as she pissed me off, I missed her sounds and eventually they lulled me to sleep.

Lana was stubborn, but I was worse, there was no way I was going to talk to her now. I guess maybe we were over.

Little did I know that I would regret thinking that thought tomorrow, I was going to regret it big time.

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