Chapter 1

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"Look at me when I'm talking to you, Sam!" His voice cut through my ears like knives. I tilted my head up to make eye contact with his piercing blue eyes. 

"I swear to God you annoy the crap out of me sometimes!" He spat in my face as he grabbed my wrist and threw me to the ground. "This is what you get, Sam! This is what you get for being a little bitch!" He screamed at me as he continuously kicked my stomach.  This was Ryan, Ryan when he was angry. And drunk. Which was always. I choked back the tears as my boyfriend grabbed me by my left arm and pulled half my body off the floor to make a fist and crush the cartilage in my nose. I immediately fell back and held my nose in pain, catching the rapid stream of blood flowing on to the kitchen floor.  "Sam, look at the mess you made! This would have never happened if you weren't such an annoying little skank! Now I have to clean up your shit, as usual!" Ryan lifted me up by my upper arms and shook me, then slammed me against the kitchen counter, my back to him. He grabbed a fistful of my hair and slammed my skull sideways on to the kitchen counter. I saw his muscular arm reach for the kitchen knives. The metal blade slid out of the drawer like nails on a chalk board. I knew what was coming, Ryan was going to kill me.

"Ryan, please, don't do this..."

"Shut up Sam! You deserve this. I should've done this the first time this happened!" He clears my hair from my neck, holding the knife too close for comfort. I can't let this happen, I can't let Ryan take my life. There's too much I haven't experienced yet. My life isn't over. I quickly slid from his grip as he quickly reciprocated by slashing the knife, which I was able to block with my forearm. I grabbed the wireless phone from the counter and ran to the bathroom. 

"Come back here, Sam! Don't you dare run away from me!" He came running after me, knife in hand. I locked the bathroom door and quickly dialed 911 when I realized the nine inch gash Ryan made with the knife in my forearm.

"911 what's your emergency?" A female dispatcher answered.

"My boyfriend is trying to kill me!" I screamed.

"Miss, please try to stay calm. Are you injured? Is he armed?"

  "Yes! Of course! Please hurry!"

  "I will send our forces as soon as possible."

"Sam! Come out of there! You're such a little pussy, calling 911 on me! You can't even handle your own boyfriend! I can fucking hear you in there!"  I hung up the phone and caught a glimpse of myself in the mirror. My white t shirt was soaked with blood. My nose was covered in blood smears, I'm sure from Ryan's knuckles. A stream of blood ran from my nose over my lips and down my chin and neck. My cheeks were bruised, deep purple. I was disrupted from examining my injuries by the shaking of the bathroom door.  "Sam! I'm going to break this door and finish what I started! You aren't getting away this time!" I darted my eyes across the bathroom when I saw my savior: the window. I can escape now. I opened the window and removed the screen before shifting my body weight on to the toilet and climbing out the window. The bathroom was on the first floor, thank god. After planting my feet in the grass, I began to run as fast as I could across the front lawn when I heard the sirens and saw the flashing lights. Before I could even process the fact that I was being saved, I collapsed in to the dew- coated grass.

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