Chapter 21

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“Alrighty, Miss Zenna, we’re sticking with the 900 milligrams of ibuprofen and no eating restrictions,” he handed my prescription, written on a blue slip, to Harry.

“You’re free to go! Amber will check your vitals, you have to sign a few documents but then you can go home.” Dr. Ghaliger smiled at me, motioning to the young nurse who I am assuming was Amber to check my vitals. She took my blood pressure and listened to my heartbeat, but didn’t pay much attention to it. She was making googoo eyes at Harry, who noticed and was chuckling under his breath.

It kind of annoyed me that she couldn’t take her eyes off Harry, but it only annoyed me because she was pretty.

By her looks, she had a chance with Harry. That bothered me.

The nurse, Amber or whatever, gave me the documents I needed to sign and left, smiling at Harry the entire time.

“Are you excited to go home?” Harry smiled at me and I nodded. I looked past him to Ty and Liam, Ty with tears in her eyes.

“Ty… I’m sorry I’m leaving without you. I’ll come visit every day, I promise.”

“Sam, it’s totally okay, Liam is here for me and you’ll come visit every day, I’m just happy that you’re okay.”

“I love ya, Ty, remember that, I’m a phone call away whenever you need me,” I smiled at her and she smiled back, Harry took my hand and helped me walk to the bathroom to put clothes on, thank God I was out of that hospital gown. I gave Ty and Liam a hug as best as I could before ‘Amber’ came back with a wheelchair to take me down to the parking lot. A few large men met us in the lobby, where I learned that they were part of the 1D management crew, there to protect us. I could see the flashing cameras and screaming girls already. It was worse than that day at Starbucks three months ago. As soon as we exited the hospital, fans and paparazzi came charging at us, where the three men, who I learned were Paul, Joe, and Don, helped us through the crowd. Paul ran to get the car for us when we were approached by a men with a microphone and a camera.

“Harry is it true you were shot in the shoulder?”

“Harry is it true that Niall is dead?”

“Sam, are you using Harry for fame?”

“Sam, is it true that Ryan Cartoff tried to kill you multiple times?”

Where do they get this stuff from?

“Harry and Sam are taking no questions at this time,” Don stated. The men backed away, but we were only approached by more people, when finally, Paul arrived with the car.









Going back to mine and Ty’s apartment was the best feeling in the entire world. I missed my bed, I missed the mint walls and floral bedspread, I missed our Starbucks runs, I missed the way Harry’s jeans looked in a pile in the middle of my floor. Harry helped me to my room to lay down while Paul, Joe and Don carried my bags back from Liam’s. Apparently Louis and Zayn had been nice enough to pack up mine and Harry’s things while I was in the hospital.

Before I knew it, Harry had wiggled his jeans off in the middle of my floor and climbed in to bed next to me. It was 2:00 in the afternoon, but we didn’t care.

“Do the paps always swarm wherever you are?” I asked him.

“Yeah. It’s pretty bad right now though, since we’ve been in the hospital, it makes good gossip.”

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